Chapter 2

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                                             Labyrinth of Lost Memories

                                                          * *~ * ♥  *~ * *

A cool hand clamped over my mouth, muffling my startled scream. The hand was dressed in velvet white, and a man in a glittering mask reared closer.

I stared back at my captor with a mixture of both fear and fascination. Naturally, I would’ve kept screaming, but the man had already predicted that, and with one quick move, held a dagger up to my neck. I could feel the clean-cut blade against my collar-bone, cold and metallic.

My gaze unintentionally traveled to where Zero’s shady figure lay slumped against the wall, his chest heaving, rising and falling like the ocean waves. Although, I’ve only known him for only a few hours, I felt the strange urge to protect him.

Scream and I’ll cut him to piece’s.”

I sucked in my breath, and slowly, painfully slow, turned away. I could feel the man’s gaze like a knife at my back, and felt the fine hairs on the back of my neck stand up. My blood ran cold. I saw myself being mauled, imagined my absolute terror as the man stripped me of my blessings.

It was so hard to believe, like something out of a horror movie, that I, a girl who believed this type of stuff only happened on television, was being attacked out of the blue.

I once heard someone say the best thing to do in this type of situation, is to stay calm. Whatever you do, don’t panic. You have better chances of surviving if you’re focused on the problem, and not on what’s in front of you.

Fear rose in the pit of my stomach, but I pushed it back down. Fear drives rash human beings to do stupid things. A lot of those stupid things have resulted in swift annulation. I didn’t want to lose my life. Nor did I want Zero to lose his.

Before I knew what was happening, the masked man put his hands around my waist and pulled me close to his side. I blinked up at him, stunned, as my heart started racing around my chest. He flashed me a dazzling grin, before smashing my face into his leather jacket and suffocating me with the sickening scent of iron. A feeling of dread and foreboding overcame me. I was a fool to ever trust him. This man wasn’t planning to let me go; this man was going to take me away.

“No!” I shrieked, a shrill cry escaping my lips. I clawed at his throat, bit, scratched, landed punches on his sides, but in the end, he remained as solid as a rock.

Behind his mask, crimson eyes twinkled ominously, lips curling into an animalistic sneer. “Haha, how pitiful.” The man teased. “I would’ve expected more of a fight from number 13.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” I cried, and with one hard push, shoved him away. He fell backwards, and momentarily caught off guard, glanced up at me with an aching expression. His voice broke. “Lexi?” He took one step torwards me, his velvet glove extending a hand in an invitation.

Darkness clung to him, coiling around him like spirals of smoke and it rolled off him, seeping into the ground. The very air burned, and it hurt to breath.

Fear consumed me. This man was insane, no, more than insane; no normal man would be able to radiate that much power.

Don’t come any closer!” Screaming, I put a sleeve to my throat and mouth and staggerd away.

The pale cloak swayed as the man took a promptest bow. “Anything for the lady.” He soothed sweetly, rising gracefully to his feet and took two graceful strides back.

Road to Dawn {Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction} (KH Watty Awards) {Action/Semi-OC}Where stories live. Discover now