Prologue Pt. ll

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                                                        Lexi's Sacrifice

                                                         * * ~ * ♥  *~ * *

After a what seemed like a long, hard battle Lexi fell on one knee, exhausted but not yet defeated.

Marluxia, grim-faced and determined, raised his massive scythe again, but a tall, pale figure slid out of the corridor behind him, raised it's hand and struck him in the back of the head. Marluxia crumpled to the floor, dazed, and the cloaked figure loomed over him with a vicious smile.

"You're welcome." The intruder said with a hint of cockiness, placing its hands on its hips. 

Roaring, Lexi flew at the hooded figure, but it sidestepped her, and slipped back into the corridor. She swung at the retreating form, and her blade clashed with metal, before the portal disintergrated into nothingness.

She walked torwards Marluxia, and struck her boot into the nobody's side, who in turn, let out a satisfiying groan. "Jerk," She murmured, before retreating back into the coiling mist.

Not long after her first defeat, a high-pitched, nervous laugh ripped through the air. Droplets of water floated into tiny bubbles hovering in the air. The bubbles seemed to dance.

A misty figure descended out of a corridor of darkness, and rubbed the back of it's neck in nervous energy. The figure wore a black cloak similar in to Xigbar's, with somewhat closer-fitting sleeves and pointed shoulder pads, though this Organization member's shoulder pads were more noticeable than Xigbar's. 

The hooded figure's turned it's back on her, and appeared to be talking to itself, leaving Lexi puzzled. "Ooooh," The voice wailed, still facing away from her. "I told them they were sending the wrong guy."

Lexi watched the cloaked figure in awe.

"Now let's see here," It said, pulling out a notecard."If the subject fail's to respond..use aggression to liberate her true disposition."

She cleared her throat.

"Ahh!" The lowly figure jumped, startled, as if forgetting she was standing there. The misty figure threw  it's hood back, revealing a youthful face, arched eyebrows and sparkling cyan blue eyes. His hair was shaved into a mullet, with soft tendrils of dirty-blonde hair falling over his face. He wore a silly grin and sheepish demeanour of gawky charm.

"Demyx," She murmured softly. "Not you too."

"Lexi," He called her name, someone once her friendbut now a stranger,"come back to us."

"I can't..." Her voice broke, and turning away, she resisted the urge to cry.

He pleaded one last time, a broken, despairing wail of someone who knews what it felt like to feel. "Please!"

"I'm sorry." She croaked. She gripped her blade and spun slowly to face him. He paled, and summoned his sitar in a flash of blinding light and sparkling bubbles. She didn't stop, and he circled with her, his fingers lingering on the sitar's strings, held up and ready.

For several moments, they stood there, staring each other down. Betrayal turned into rage. The rage in her boiled. Raising her weapon, she went for him, sweeping her blade down at his neck, a blow that would slice through his collarbone and out the other side.

Road to Dawn {Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction} (KH Watty Awards) {Action/Semi-OC}Where stories live. Discover now