Chapter Four- Not Possible

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Chapter 4 ! I think this will be my first dramatic chapter so far. And once again sorry for the late update I ended up getting a stomach virus..uughh.. I didn't plan this I should of had the chapter on sooner but I'am on the road to recovery so please enjoy!


We arrived close to the border line of the Umitera and Nitera. With a hand signal my brother motioned everyone to stay quiet. Then he whispered in a quiet yet loud enough voice.

"Everyone prepare yourselves, me and the front line will run in first everyone else follow behind."

With that said my brother turned and face the Nitera land. I watched closely as my brother started to change into his true form. His ears grew pointer as well as his fangs. His eyes grew even more darker red then ever this time and looked more dangerous. His face got a bit wrinkled from his cheek bones to the line of his nose. Arms and legs both elongated as well as his fingers,toes, and nails, ripping his gloves and shoes. Finally a pair of grayish, black, bat wings grew from his back. They made a perfect arch shaped when meeting at the tip above his head.

Then I felt all the strong auras around me and everyone started to change into their forms. I should do the same. I concentrated and felt my wings grow from my back. I watched my shadow in front of me seeing them stretch outward and rest back. My skin seemed to glow and looked whiter then our usual skin color. My hair also got whiter with my transformation. Also my eyes grew a deeper blue but the whites spots in my eyes would grow even whiter. Yahira told me that they almost looked like the sea when looked at for a long time. Yahira? I turned and looked through the crowd trying to find her. My eyes then caught her changing too only this time feathers grew on her sides and curved near her belly button but then grew down the sides of her legs to her angles. Her feathers around her chin elongated turning white and stopped  just above her chest. I watch them grow around her face, not covering her eyes nose or mouth but covered her ears and stopped where her hair met her face. She sighed then opened her deep orange eyes at me and gave me a quick wave with her wing. I smiled and turned back facing my brother. He was staring deep into the other side and gave a heavy breath.

"You ready?"

I stroked my feathers on my wings trying to calm myself in a way and then nodded,"Yes."

He drew out his sword and then pointed in the air, " CHARGE!"

With that he flew up a couple feet from the ground and darted forward with his first line following right behind. I flew up quickly and followed behind. I started to slow a bit down letting the the second wave of people go by and flew up higher. I then advanced even higher being the only highest one in the sky, above any one else, this way I could keep a full view on everyone. Natado and the first wave crossed the border.

The land had a few hills but was mostly flat and had a few large trees around but further away a dense forest grew across the whole land. Everything was green though and was full of life. I heard a large wave of screams from afar and zoomed in the my vision to see. A large wave of people were running out from the dense woods. Nitera. I gasped and saw hundreds growing out from the woods and it didn't look like it would end. I watched as my brother and the first wave was about to collide with them. My heart pounded faster and I felt my power grow stronger at the sight. I fisted my hands into a ball at my sides. Oh soul mate if only you could see what see, I'am scared deeply scared but I 'am strong and I will fight with all my might because I want to live so I can see you one day, my love. For a minute I felt a strange pull. That was weird. Then I bit my lip  as I saw my brother and a Nitera be the first to match swords.

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