Chapter three

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Ellington found himself cursing under his breath as he leapt out of bed, over thirty minutes after he was supposed to be at work. Loud cries came from the crib in the corner of the room. Pulling on a pair of jeans, he hopped across the room towards the crib. Joey stopped crying violently and reached his arms up towards Ellington, his cheeks were pink and tear-stained. Ellington finished buttoning up his light blue button up, before scooping up his baby boy and bouncing him in the air a few times which made him giggle. He shoved a few chubby baby fingers in his mouth, sucking on them.

Ellington stumbled into the kitchen, packing up Joey's baby bag with one arm and holding him up on his hip with the other.

"I'm not going to have enough time to feed you am I?" He asked to himself, looking at baby Joey who was gurgling to himself. as if he understood exactly, he shook his head and then reached up, grabbing Ellington's nose. He let out a contagious giggle talking in baby language.

Ellington kissed his cheek, smiling and slung the baby bag over his shoulder. He slid his phone and keys into his jeans pocket and left the apartment.

The bright morning sunlight bounced off the sidewalk, lighting the world in a joyful way. Ellington strolled into day care with Joey happily gurgling in his ear.

"Hey Val." He said, approaching a young brunette who had dozens of freckles and a cheesy grin on her peachy face. "Just the morning today please."

Valerie, quickly scribbled on a form and Ellington signed it, planting a kiss on his baby's head before handing him to her. "Bye baby boy." He added, waving his hand. As if he just realised what was going on Joey began whining, threatening to cry and reaching his chubby little arms back in Ellington's direction. This was always the most heartbreaking part as Ellington hated to leave him. Letting out a small sigh, he left through the door.

The walk to the diner from day care was short and quiet. He burst through the doors and into the diner, heading behind the counter. He produced a card from his pocket and swiped it on machine to prove that he was in on time. He grabbed one of the half sized aprons from the hook and tied it around his waist before putting a notepad and pencil into the large pocket across the front. He leaned forwards, resting his elbows on the counter and his head in his hands. He surveyed the empty scene, sighing slightly.

"Ratliff, customer in the corner booth." Bob told him, through the window connecting the counter to the kitchen. He peered into the kitchen in time to see Bob's set his long beard narrowly escape being engulfed in flames from the frying pan.

He took the notepad and pencil out from hid pocket before making his way to the corner table. "Hello, what can i get you?" He announced, cheerfully not taking his eyes off the notepad and holding the pencil up read to write.

"Ellington?! Wait this is the diner you work at."
He looked up from the notepad and right into Rydel's hazel eyes. Her voice displayed mild shock but a cheeky smile creased at the corner of her lips.

"Rydel? and um yeah. yeah it is." he felt a blush rise to his cheeks although he wasn't sure why. "So, what can i get you?"

"A large order of pancakes," She began as he scribbled it down. "And for you to share them with me."

He glanced up at her. "I can't i'm working."

Sarcastically, she glanced around the diner at all the empty booths, stools and tables. "I can see you're very busy."

He stuck his tongue out at her like a child would.

"C'mon pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee." She asked, pouting and doing the puppy-dog eyes that she knew always guilted him.

He looked away, trying to keep control but somehow knew it wouldnt work.

"Alright, fine."

"Yayyyyyyyy oh and a strawberry milkshake please." She added, putting the menu down on the table and leaning back in her seat, displaying her band t-shirts proudly.

Ellington couldn't resist the urge to roll his eyes as he headed back to the window. He passed the piece of paper with the order on through to Bob, before resting against the counter and waiting. He folded his arms across his chest.

Shortly afterwards, he took the plate and milkshake from the window ledge and took them to Rydel's table, placing it in front of her. "Anything else, ma'am?"

"No. Now sit." She demanded, pointing to the empty seat opposite her. Obediently, he slid into the seat, crossing his arms and resting them on the table.

She began eating with elegance. This however, didn't last very long. "Want some?" She asked, sticking out a forkful of syrup covered pancakes towards him.

"No thanks..." He politely replied, picking up the napkin and reaching across the table to wipe syrup from around her mouth. She giggled, shoving the pancake on her fork into his mouth leaving him not choice but to eat it.

Innocently, she sipped some milkshake. "Oh man, this is reaaaallllyyy good." She said, smiling in delight.

A silence followed as a few more customers entered the diner. They were attended to by another waiter.

"So what are you doing today then?" She asked him, clearing the syrup off the plate with the last piece of slightly burnt pancake.

"I'm working until midday and then picking up Joey from daycare and going to the park or something."

"Can i join you?" She asked him nonchalantly.
Ellington couldn't resist being shocked which affected what he replied with. "I thought you had to teach dance classes and catch up with all your old friends."

"I don't start teaching classes until tomorrow and my friends are busy. c'mon pleaseee." She begged, not showing any signs of weakening.

A small part of him thought that it might not be a good idea but he also wanted to hang out with her and catch up. After all before she moved away they were close bestfriends.

"Meet us at my apartment at 12:30." He told her.

She beamed happily and gratefully. "See you then."

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