Chapter nineteen

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Ellington watched the clock wearily. As soon as he got home he had headed to bed and stayed there ever since. He lay on his side, his sweater pulled over his hands and a hand under his head. He felt empty. He felt broken. He felt alone.

He glanced towards the floor and saw joey's dinosaur teddy. without hesitation, he picked it up and hugged it in his arms tightly. "I miss you baby boy." He whispered into the teddy's fur.

He lay for what felt like forever, cradling the teddy in his arms and whispering to himself.

The ringing sound of his phone filled the air and Ellington shot up, rummaging around for his phone and cursing himself under his breath for not leaving it somewhere obvious. He pulled it out his jeans pocket and swiped to answer the call.

"Hello?" He said a bit too enthusiastically.

"Hey Ellington, it's Rocky."

"Oh hey rocky."

"Okay dude, do you remember if joey was wearing a shirt with a green dinosaur on and the word "rawr"?"

Ellington's eyes widened remembering arguing cheekily with joey who specifically wanted to wear that shirt. "Yes! Yes that's the one!!"

"Well we have it here, down the alley next to Lennie's. We think he's around here somewhere. Do you think you can come down and help us look? We think he might be hiding and if he is he'll probably only come out for you."

Ellington was already slipping on his shoes. "I'll be right there." He uttered and hung up. He pulled on his jacket and then got up Rydel's number on his phone.

He was about to hit call when he paused and changed his mind. He sighed and shook his head deciding that it would be best if he didn't call her and disturb her evening.

The car journey down to the alley was quiet and fast as Ellington parked and jogged down. Riker, Rocky and Ross were down the alley looking when he saw them.

"Hey, guys." Ellington said, running over to them. "Can I see the shirt?"

Rocky nodded, immediately passing it over. Ellington held it up to the dim light shining from the street lamp and looked at the design. The food stain in the corner indicated that it was without a doubt joey's shirt.

"Yeah. That's his. Let's get searching." Ellington said to the Lynch brothers who stood in front of him.

"It's no use Ell, we've looked everywhere. He's not down here. It must not be his shirt." Ross said, wiping sweat from his forehead.

"I wouldn't give up just yet." Rocky mumbled bending down to pick something up. He held it up to the light. "Sophie's drivers licence. They were definitely here."

They all exchanged looks before going back to searching. Ellington rummaged through the dumpster, trying to avoid inhaling the scent of rotting foods. A cry filled the air and he pulled out one of the bags.

Joey was lying at the bottom of the dumpster, dirt smeared on his face and bear chest. He was shaking from the cold of the night air and presumably from a full diaper.

"He's here! Guys!" Ellington yelled as they all ran over. Joey looked up and stopped crying, reaching up towards Ellington.

Almost in tears of joy, he scooped him up and kissed his grubby face. Joey held onto his shirt tightly. "I've got you baby boy." He breathed in shock and happiness. Rocky placed his hand on Ellington's shoulder.

"You guys get home and cleaned up." He said.

"Where are you guys going?" Ellington curiously asked, looking at joey who was still clinging tightly to his shirt and yawning tiredly.

"Probably out for a drink. We'll catch up with you tomorrow. You guys need your rest." Rocky added as they walked out of the alley together.

Ellington reached into his pocket and produced some money. "Buy yourselves and whoever else helped look for him a few rounds of drinks on my behalf." He told them, placing the money in Rocky's hand. "And thank you again."

"So what happened to Sophie?" Riker spoke up, looking at the three of them.

They all exchanged looks and shrugs. "I don't think we have to worry about seeing her anytime soon."

The conversation was interrupted by Joey's impatient whining and after a short goodbye, Ellington took him to the car.

Joey sat happily in the back of the car, playing with one of his toys for the whole way back. Ellington kept looking at him as if he was scared that he would suddenly disappear.

As soon as he arrived home, he carried joey inside and made sure that the doors were locked. He carried him upstairs and placed him on a towel on the floor in the bathroom. He filled the sink with warm water and bubbles. Joey picked up his rubber duck. "Duckie! Duckie!" He squealed, holding it up to Ellington.

He laughed a bit and picked him up, undressing him. He placed joey into the sink full of water and cleaned his face and hair. He left joey who was playing with his rubber duck and making quacking noises alone and sat down on the top of the toilet seat.

He typed a text to Rydel saying:

Found Joey and he's safe. Just given him a bath and he says he loves you. Merry Christmas.

After debating in his mind at to whether to add a kiss to the text or not he hit send and put down his phone.

"Dadda!" Joey yelled to him. Ellington looked up as joey exploded into giggles. He had a bubble beard and bubbles on his hair. He dropped his duck into the water and laughed more as it hit the water and splashed.

Ellington rolled his eyes, chuckling. "You're a crazy baby!" He lifted him out and dried him with a towel.

After them both changing into their matching pjs, they both sat on the bed. Ellington watched joey as he opened his other presents and videos some of his reactions.

One of his videos was interrupted by a reply from Rydel.

That's great! Sending my love to him. Merry Christmas to you too -delly xx

Ellington smiled a little at the message but it hurt that she wasn't by his side considering it was Christmas day. He realised how badly he screwed up and all he wanted for Christmas was her. Ellington put his phone down on the side and moved all the wrapping paper and new toys off the bed. He put them in the living room and then walked back towards the bedroom.

"Come on joey, bedtime and don't argue with me. it's been a long da-" Ellington stopped mid sentence when he saw joey curled up and cuddling his dinosaur teddy. His small eyes were beggining to close. A smile spread across his face and he picked up up joey, lying him into his crib across the room.

Ellington was in the middle of redecorating joey's room so he had been sleeping in Ellington's room with him and Rydel for a while.

He looked at him sleeping for a few minutes before climbing into bed himself. He curled up, feeling a lot more relaxed than before but something still didn't feel right and he knew exactly what it was. All he wanted was to be holding Rydel in his arms. He exhaled slightly before looking up at the picture of him and Rydel on the side.

In the picture Rydel was kissing his cheek, her arms wrapped around his waist and he looked at her, so much in love. It was his favourite photo that he had of the two of them.

"I wish you were here rydelly." He whispered. He reached into the drawer next to his bed and produced a black box. He opened the box and stared at the sparkly silver ring and the diamond in the middle of it. It was the most expensive engagement ring in the shop and he had fallen in love with it like he had fallen in love with Rydel.

"So what do i do with this then?" He asked himself quietly.

Thank you for all the comments! From now on i'm not updating until I get loads! Not because that's all I write for but I love hearing what you think of the chapters and what you think is going to happen next. :)

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