Chapter twenty-two

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Suddenly Ellington felt as if it was his duty to protect Rydel for whatever reason it was that Darren had to call them.

"She doesn't want to talk to you." Ellington replied sternly whilst looking over at Rydel who sat hyperventilating on the couch, with her knees pulled up to her chest. "Whatever it is, you have to say it to me."

A silence followed again except for muffling murmurs on the other end of the line. Ellington walked into the kitchen, picked up a water bottle and handed it to Rydel.

Rydel sipped some, calming down slightly. She wiped her eyes on her sleeve and attempted to distract herself by watching the end of the Austin and Ally episode that was on the tv.

"Well, I just wanted to apologise." The voice eventually began. "I was in a bad place when I did the things to Rydel that I did and I'm extremely sorry for those things. But now I've fallen in love, I understand how she feels towards you and I really have to apologise for my behaviour."

All Ellington could think was, who would be crazy enough to love him?

The phone sounded like it had been passed on to someone else and when the voice spoke again, Ellington's eyes widened. "Hey Ellington, it's Sophie. Sorry about all the stuff with Jorgie or whatever he's called. Didn't mean it. It's okay though, you won't ever see me again. I'm in love with my Darren-Bear."

Unsure how to react Ellington wished them the best and then hung up, just stunned. He looked over to Rydel who was still pale and shaky.

He walked over to her and sat down, wrapping his arm around her. She didn't snuggle up to him, she just sat there very still. He silently traced shapes on her back, feeling the tension in her spine.

"What did he want?" She eventually asked, moving her eyes to look at her bracelet.

"He was calling to say that he was sorry and that he had fallen in love with a girl."




There was a long pause, before Ellington got up again in an attempt to distract her from the thoughts whirring around in her mind.

"Come on, the babysitter will be here any minute. Let's get ready to go." Ellington said to her, encouragingly.

Rydel just shook her head. "I'm sorry Ellington but I just don't think I can go out..."

"What? No! Why not?" Ellington asked, the thought of proposing still clear in his mind.

"I-i just don't feel very well." She mumbled, looking down.

"Well maybe the change of scene and fresh air will make you feel better." Ellington protested, determined to go out on their date.

"I think i'm gonna puke.." Rydel said, heading sharply towards the bathroom.

Ellington sighed and looked over at Joey who was asleep with his bottle hanging out of his mouth. He couldn't help but smile a bit whilst taking the bottle from his son and kissing his small forehead.

Seconds later, he could hear the sound of puking coming from the bathroom. He headed slowly over to the door.


"Yeah...?" She replied, wiping her mouth on a towel and cleaning up herself and the bathroom slightly.

"Are you okay..?" He questioned softly.

"Yeah, I think it was just something I ate..." She groaned quietly.

Although he didn't doubt her honesty, he didn't think that was the case. Deep down he knew there was something very wrong and he had a horrible feeling that it had something to do with Darren and Sophie...

It's insane how many comments that I got on my last few chapters! I'm so incredibly happy and I love you all so much! Leave a lot of comments and I'll update again. I also have an announcement if you keep commenting!!...

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