Chapter ten

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Four days passed and Ellington hadn't heard anything from Rydel. He had been sent home from work because he was pale, tired because he hadn't slept at all and stressed. His hair was stuck out at jaunty angles and he wore old, stained clothing. He raked a hand through his mop of hair, looking at notes and several maps that surrounded him. His laptop sat open on the side and his phone was dialling Rydel's number for the hundredth time in that hour alone.

Joey, who had been watching tv, crawled across one of the maps to him at situated himself in Ellington's lap. Ellington put down the pencil he had been chewing on and looked kissed the top of joey's head, his eyes scanning over the papers that lay in front of him. He knew she was alive he could feel it in his heart, he just didn't know where she was.

"i'm not gonna find her am i?" Ellington breathed, tears forming in his eyes. Joey reached up and wiped the tear that slid down Ellington's cheek on his finger. He put his finger in his mouth, tasting the salty tear. Ellington chuckled a little. "i just want her back baby, i love her."

Ellington looked around the room, trying to figure out what to do next. His eyes caught the present rydel got him that still sat in the middle of the coffee table, unopened. He placed joey on the floor and crawled over to the box, lifting it off the table. He placed it on his lap and then stared at it for a moment, unsure whether to open it. He looked down at joey who was sat on one of the maps, pointing at places and mumbling to himself.

Ellington opened the box slowly and carefully. Inside it was a collection of things, pictures and a book. Confused, Ellington opened the book. It was filled with loopy writing - Rydel's. He read a few pages.

'February 21 2010.
Dear Diary,
Ellington is just the cutest thing. One day, I hope he knows how i feel about him. He's all i ever wanted and one day i hope he'll be mine.
love Rydel'

The pictures in the box were of the two of them when they hung out as friends taking polaroid photos of their little 'adventures'. There were also cinema tickets, sweet wrappers, wristbands from concerts and one of his drumsticks. He rummaged through all the stuff, wondering why she had given it to him.

The words "i hope he'll be mine" echoed through his head. His eyes widened and a smile spread across his face, all the time that he had loved her and thought she had no feelings for him whatsoever was a lie. He had always loved her and she had always loved him.

He put the box down and sprung to his feet, scooping up joey who squealed and grabbed onto him. "we have to go back to Rydel's place, i'm sure we'll find out where she is..."

Ellington fled down the stairs and jumped into his car, strapping joey in the back. He drove to rydel's as fast as he could.

He pulled up outside her house. It was exactly as when he came by four days ago, nothing had change. He scrambled out the car and opened the trunk, pulling out a baseball bat and some bubble wrap. He opened the door and gave the bubble wrap to joey who gratefully began to pop it, absorbed in his own world. "whatever happens, at least i got you kiddo." he smiled to himself, closing and locked the car door.

his heart pounded in his chest as he approached the door, clasping the baseball bat tightly, his stance threatening. He pushed down on the door handle and just like last time, it flung open. He slowly entered, flicking on the light. The features of the room sprung into focus but there wasn't anything that have any insight as to where she might be to Ellington. He tiptoed through the house, holding the baseball bat tightly.

Ellington checked her bedroom, the kitchen, the living room, the bathrooms and the hall but there was still nothing. He was close to giving up when he heard banging. His eyes scanned around the room, trying to figure out where it was coming from. He followed the sound of the thumping and soon came to a door. a door he hadnt noticed before. the banging got louder, echoing through the hall.

Swallowing back his fear, he placed his hand on the door knob and twisted it. It didn't budge. He twisted it more vigorously and banged on the door a few times. The banging stopped but it was definitely coming from the door. Ellington's fingers trailed over the door, looking for what the problem was. His fingers brushed over a keyhole.

He exhaled loudly, looking around for a key but not being able to see one. He couldn't figure out how else to get into the room until a bowl of things caught his eye. He rummaged through it and found a paper clip. He jammed it into the door lock, jiggled it around. It clicked open.

Sweat beads formed on his head as he entered the room, only to be greeted by an old staircase. Knowing this was how horror films played out, he held tight onto his baseball bat and began to descend the stairs. There was a muffled noise coming from downstairs that made him even more uneasy.

"Be a man Ellington, Be a man." He told himself firmly. At the bottom of the staircase it was all pitch black. He found a light switch on the wall.

He flicked it on.

His eyes widened and he dropped the baseball bat.

He couldn't believe what he saw.

This chapter sucks, im so sorry. Leave some comments?

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