Chapter twenty-one

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I was so amazed that when I asked for comments I got SO many!! Here's the new chapter, enjoy. :)

Several weeks passed into the new year and Ellington had one thing on his mind. Proposing. All he wanted was to make Rydel his but it wasn't as easy as he thought it would be.

Early in January he had tried to propose to her in their favourite coffee shop but before he had chance to he had received a call from joey's friend saying that they had to take joey to hospital because he had stuck a crayon up his nose. After scaring the heck out of Rydel and Ellington and a short operation to get it surgically removed joey was fine.

Then, at the end of February he had tried to propose on the beach even more determined than last time but as he was pulling the ring out of his pocket it began to rain violently and Ellington forgot all about proposing until a few days later.

In late March he had also attempted to propose this time in the comfort of their own home but the phone rang before he had chance to. It was Rydel's mom calling to tell her that her grandma was in hospital and they weren't sure if they she would make it.

Because Rydel was distraught, they drove up to the mountains where she lived and spent a few stressful weeks with her until she recovered.

Now they were home and Ellington was determined to propose to her. He had suggested that they went out to dinner on a romantic date and Rydel was extremely pleased by the suggestion. She immediately ran to their room and began to get ready. Ellington couldn't hide the smile on his face. He was going to do it, he was really going to propose.

"Dadda! Help!" Joey squealed and Ellington looked at him. Joey had managed to put his pj shirt on but he couldn't quite but his pj bottoms on. He had both his legs in the same hole and was laughing contagiously as to him it was the funniest thing ever.

"Silly baby!" Ellington exclaimed, helping him to take his legs out and put them on properly. As soon as he had done that, he put Joey on the couch, handed him his bottle and put on his favourite show on the tv. Funnily enough, that show was 'Austin and Ally.' Joey put the bottle in his mouth and began drinking the warm milk whilst watching the comedy that his soon to be uncle was performing.

Ellington grinned admiringly and headed towards the bedroom, opening the door. As soon as he entered his jaw dropped.

Rydel was stood, straightening the creases out of her short, loose, green dress. She had heels on which although were ridiculously high she seemed to wear with ease. Her make up was done to perfection and her hair had been slightly curled at the bottoms.

"Holy wow." He whispered, taking in every inch of her beauty. She blushed a light shade of pink before kissing his cheek with her glossy lips. She picked up her favourite leather jacket off the bed before heading towards the door.

"Joey is watching Austin and Ally and having his bottle so just leave him." Ellington told her.

"Yes boss." She cheerily replied, walking out of the bedroom.

Ellington pulled the door if his closet open and examined this shirts. There were lots of them, all for different occasions. Some funny, some smarter, some with puns on, some he had most likely grown out of but couldn't get rid of and some he didn't even know he had.

Eventually he settled on a dark blue button up shirt that he complimented with a tie and some tight jeans. He pulled on a dinner jacket and attempted to tame his hair. After several attempts he gave in, sliding the black box with the ring into his pocket.

Ellington looked at his reflection in the mirror and brushed a hand against his facial hair, considering giving it a trim before their date.

However, before he had the chance to do anything he was interrupted by a yell from the living room.

"Ellington!" Rydel's voice yelled. Her tone was high pitched and worried and there was a slight hint of fear. Not thinking twice, Ellington sprinted down the stairs and headed towards her.

Rydel was stood holding the phone out at arms length, tears rolling down her cheeks. Her skin was pale as if she had had a terrible fright and she was physically shaking.

"Rydel, babe, what's wrong?" He asked, slowly approaching her. She handed the phone to him and he held it to his ear whilst helping her sit down.

"Hello?" Ellington asked sternly, walking into the corner of the room.

"Hello, I would like to talk to Rydel please." The voice replied. It was vaguely familiar but he couldn't quite remember where from.

"Um, who is it?" Ellington questioned, biting his finger nail unintentionally.

There was a long pause on the other end of the line as if the person was purposely delaying the answer. After an exhalation, the person spoke up.

"It's me, Darren."

Plot twist ;) you wanna know what happens next? You know what to do. Leave comments sharing your thoughts and opinions! the more comments, the faster I'll update. I love you all so much!! :)

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