BOSS 003

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Sehun started doing some of his paper works and arranging his boss's appointment then he caught a glimpse of his old family photo taken when he was three years old; he was carried by his dad and his mom was kissing his cheek. His father was smiling, you can see the small side smile his mom was making and he saw his own smile.

He had a tear in his eye and wiped it away a fast as he could and put the framed photo away and continued what he was supposed to be doing.

"How long do i have to wait?" he mumbled to himself again.


Sehun was already tired of wasting his time doing this for years.


He had been waiting for that promise to come true.

It all started when it had been 2 months since his father had gone missing. They had to move out from their mansion to their old home. His mother was starting to break down with all the three jobs that he had been doing. And sehun was starting to have a little difficulty in his studies with the electricity going on and off every other day...

Sehun was too young to get a job that time... and had been wanting to help his mother whom he never saw in a while... but during the morning always rushing to get to work though his breakfast was always ready.

When he comes home he sees his mom ryshing to change into another uniform and rushes to go away again for his evening job.

then one weekend came and he was just happy to see his mom sleeping soundly in the master's bedroom which was his mother and father's respective room since baekhyun started to sleep every where due to his exhaustion having no more time to walk to his room...

It was still early and he was awake early in the morning he wanted to do something for his mom that he cooked breakfast something he never done before so a simple buttered toast and coffee will do. He also brought their laundry to the laundromat since he didn't know how to the laundry and he even did the groceries.

But when he went home... there was an unusual car parked in front of their house so he just sneaked through the kitchen door and dropped the groceries on the counter and went to check on his mom. He was about to go upstairs but he heard his mom laughed and he just went straight to the living room.

He just couldn't believe that his mom was having coffe with a man all suited up and hair brushed up neatly in their living room. Don't forget his black shoes that shine like black onyx.

"Mom?" He called as he stepped inside running to his mom giving him a hug.

"Good morning baby..." baekhyun hugged his son and made him look at the man who was already standing infront of him "i would like you to meet your Uncle Chanyeol... your father's bestfriend. He was having dinner with a client in the restaurant i worked last night"

"It's nice to meet you sehun" Chanyeol held out his hand waiting for sehun to grab his hand for a friendly handshake but sehun just stared at his hand and glared at him so chanyeol just put his hand back into his pocket.

"What is he doing here?" Sehun asked his mom continuing to glare at him.

"Baby... show some respect. He came here to help us." Baekhyun tried to calm his son down but he could see how determined his son glared at the man.

"What kind of help?" Sehun asked making Chanyeol chuckled a little at what sehun just asked.

"I came here to give you a scholarship... you have been an excellent student despite what you have been going through." chanyeol told sehun.

But sehun was trying to be deaf of what his uncle just said and started yelling "You call yourself my father's bestfriend! And you didn't even bother to look for him!"

"Sehun." Baek tried to stop his son from charging.

"I am looking for him" at chanyeol's words... sehun suddenly calmed down.

"You are?" Sehun asked as he look at chanyeol with a curious expression.

"Yes..." chanyeol said. Sehun looked at his mom who nodded as well and then he looked back at chanyeol who continued talking as he took out an envelope "you see sehun, i swore to your father that i will help him no matter what so this is a first."

Chanyeol gave the envelope to sehun who opened it as fast as he could "What's this?"

"A debit card. I'll be sending your allowance and your tution fee through here and this is my business card." Chanyeol said as he gave another card "You have to visit me monthly and give me all the receipts when you pay up your tuition fee and show me your grades."

"What if i failed a subject?" Sehun asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"I'll be cutting your allowance..." Chanyeol said.

"What if i failed to visit you?" Sehun asked again.

"It depends on your excuse but we need to have a talk about it on your next visit but it might be the Same punishment." Chanyeol answered again.

"What if i failed a subject and failed to visit you" sehun asked again.

"Sehun..." baek tried to stop sehun's assuring mind.

"Mom, I'm just making sure..." sehun told baekhyun... you can tell that sehun was forced to mature fast after his dad's disappearance. Even if he was still a minor, he wants to get involved with important decisions like this.

"Well, I will be the one who'll visit you and I have to talk to your mom to tell her... you are not complying with our agreement." Chanyeol answered again... he was quite amused with how sehun is just trying to be the man of the house.

"How much is my mont..." sehun asked as he look at the card... he saw something like it before maybe when he was snooping around his father's closet looking for that filled wallet when he was seven.

"As much as your father gives." Sehun was shocked when he heard this... he could not deny that he was a spoiled brat getting everything he wants... but at the very moment his dad went missing he realized that not all kids are as lucky as he was. "Your life will go back to normal... although your father is not around just think of it like he is just on a business trip."

Sehun pursed his lips as he listened to Chanyeol, "But how about mom." He said as he looked at his mom.

"Mommy still needs to work to take care of the bills. It also helps me to get my mind off of things." Baek said as he smiled held on his son's shoulders.

"I am not so sure about this." Sehun told his mom but baekhyun smiled and held on sehun's cheeks "Come on baby... do this for mommy."

"Okay... just for you and dad." Sehun said making his mom smile.

"Thank you baby..." baekhyun kissed the top of his son's head... that was the time when he was still shorter than his mom.

"Good, since your mom filled out your forms and now all you have to do is sign." Chanyeol said as he showed the forms with baekhyun's beautiful handwriting he sat down and sighed before he took the pen and still hesitated to sign. He looked at his mom again and his mom nodded then he wrote his signature on the bottom right of the papers.

"If you want a raise in your allowance or need an advance all you have to do is visit me and we'll talk about it." Chanyeol told him and sehun just nodded.

Baekhyun asked chanyeol to stay for a little snack that time but the busy man needs to go.

That was the first time he met his Uncle Chanyeol... the bestfriend of his father.

So sehun, felt the changes in the house... his mom quit one of his jobs and started to become more of a mom like he was supposed to making breakfast and always there at night for dinner and have conversations with.

Sehun also started to change his thoughts on his Uncle Chanyeol... he thought he was a nice man who even promised him that he will see his father again.

But all that changed again when he needed some money for a school trip... he went rushing to the office of his Uncle and that was the time he met the Chanyeol he was working for.

 BOSS (SeSoo/ChanHun) BOYxBOYWhere stories live. Discover now