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Be jake ====>

You went out fish hunting for you and your cousin. You were a merman and so was he. You and him left the mer city because you and your cousin were a rare type of merman. Most merpeople have dull color tails but you and your cousin have bright, beautiful ones. He has a bright blue tail and you have a bright green tail. You were older than your cousin, so you were like a father figure and friend to him. As such, you often went out hunting for the both of you. You found the human invention of the fishing net handy, even though it's dangerous to you. As you pull the net along, scooping up fish after fish, you see that there's a bad storm about to start. It doesn't really effect you underwater as much as if you were on the surface. In fact, it helps you. Since you have a stronger tail, you can swim against the current with ease, unlike the fish. This makes your hunting a piece of cake. As you scoop up fish, your jaw drops in shock as you see a huge ship slowly being swallowed up by the ocean waves. You drop the net and swim as fast as you can to the humans you see underwater. Unfortunately, the ones you find are already dead. You try to dodge all the sinking debris from the ship. You see a small boy fall into the water. He tries to swim up to the surface, but he was pushed back down by the crashing waves above. You couldn't help but lend a hand; you didn't have it in your heart to watch him die, even if he was a human. You grab the closest flouting thing to you which was a half broken boat and swim it over to him. You smile as you watch him take a deep breathe after he breaks through to the surface, glad that you could save one life. Something else catches your eye; an older boy, about your age, being pulled down by his foot . His foot was caught in a rope attached to an anchor. He trashed around wildly, desperately trying to get the rope off. You swim fast trying, to reach him before it was too late. You weren't as fast as usual, due to the strong currents. You watch him stop moving, large bubbles of air escaping from his mouth. You swim faster, but you try to stop looking at him. He...looked ...weird. His weird hair that stayed in one place even though he was underwater. He had pale skin and blonde hair. You inspect him. Thinking he's dead, you go to swim away, but he jolts awake and opens his eyes, looking dead at you and then thrashing around some. Fuck... He saw you, but you couldn't just let him die. You swim to the rope around his foot and chomp down on it, snapping the rope. You grab him by the waist and shoot upwards to the surface. As you break the surface, he coughs and gasps for air. He wasn't completely awake because he went limp. You managed to hold onto him and swim to another broken half of a small boat before putting him on it. Unlike the other one, it didn't float well with him on it. " GOD of ALL Poseidon! " you go under the boat, push it up  swimming  under it, keeping it afloat. It was a lot heavier than you thought it would be . You swam and swam until you finally reach your home island. You get out from under the boat and start the push the back until you reach the shoreline. You sat in the water, tired as hell . You glance up at the sleeping blonde. You put your head down in the shallow water, falling asleep.

You woke up slowly "m...mhnm" you move a little, but your body was in so much pain. You blink slowly to see the blonde human standing over you. " waking up, mermaid? " he said with an accent . You try and get away but you pushed your body too far last night and now you were paying for it . Then, you realized the tide had receded and that you were no longer in the water . " hey... hey mermaid where are ya going?" The tall human looked at you . "........i'm a bloody merMAN! merMAID is a female. i'm male"you say with your British accent which you got from living close to what humans call England. " oh, so you CAN talk " he said sitting down next to you. You ignore him and continue to weakly drag yourself to the water that was far away. Well, at least it was for you, who was inching his way there. " hey merman, i'm talking to you did you. see a small version of me, just less cool? He has the same hair". He asked " .....and if i did?". You do, he was the one who you helped  onto the other half of a boat. " was he alive or dead? He's my brother and i need to know if he's dead." He replied urgently . " you look at him "....ya.....i did okay i saw him struggling and i set him on a what you call a boat....but it was broken. the last i saw of him, he was still on it . So i don't know ". He smiled at you and messes up your hair which was already messy enough. " thanks for the save, dude. I owe you mine and my bros life if he's still alive ".

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