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Be dave = = = >

Sollux's eyes were sparking as he huffed in anger. Karkat seems to be extremely worried as he thrashed around. " SOLLUX CALM DOWN! REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE! REMEMBER JOHN? HE IS A FRIEND! DONT HURT HIM. PLEASE... CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" Karkat yelled as Sollux just continued to go crazy. He started to hold his head, screaming as the sparks from his eyes started to grow larger and brighter. Karkat has fear in his eyes as he is looking at you and John "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY" Karkat screamed at you both. Sollux let out a blood curdling scream. He turned to the both of you and his eyes grew bright. Before you knew what was going, on John swam out in front of you.

Sollux was about to unleash his a ability at you and John. He let out a scream and was about to shoot beams from his eyes. John rushed in front of you to take the blow, but you hold onto John and spin around and ready yourself to take the blow instead. After a while of bracing yourself, you realize that the cave was silent. Slowly, you turn around glance over to Sollux. Your eyes widen. Kai was infront of him, holding his face. Kai had his forehead placed on Sollux's. Kai had stopped Sollux's rampage just by putting their heads together. Sollux's eyes soon stopped sparking and he calms down, falling back out cold. John slowly turns to see Kai and his eyes instantly light up. "DAVVEE YOU DIDN'T SAY HE HAD SUCH A CUTE TAAIILLLL" John screamed, swimming over to Kai and pulling him into a hug like cuddle. Kai snuggles into John, smiling and giggling cutely. Kai's tail was black with randomly placed rainbow scales. "are you okay? Are you hurt? Do i need to kill daddy?" John pulls away and looks at Kai then glares at you. Thankfully, Kai said no to the killing you part. Kai started to cling to John and smile. "Kai come here" you said wanting to see if he would come. Kai's head peeks up from johns arms. You smile at him as kai ruffled his eyebrows and sticks his tongue out at you then goes back to holding john. You place a hand over your heart and let out a hurt animal noise. John just chuckles as he swam over to karkat letting kai go. " you okay kat?" He asked as karkat just wiggles in his net. John helped him get out of it so he could go over to sollux. " CAN WE PLEASE TAKE HIM TO THE ISLAND PLEASE " karkat looks at john who simply nods.
John turns to pick kai up but he was already in your makeshift sling, snuggling in, a bit tired. John smiles at the both of you as he helps karkat get sollux. All together, you all swim out of the cave and out if the reef. All of you failing to notice the person watching you. As you all get to land. You shift back and so does kai. John helps drag sollux onto sand with karkat. Dirk saw them struggling and came over to help. " watch it ...he is.... really heavy" john puffs out. Dirk picks sollux up like he was nothing and set him on the sand. dirk let out a smirk at john and karkat. " Well... YOU have legs so shut up" john mumbled crawling over to you. " where is my child" he demanded as you show him the now sleeping kai snuggling to your chest. John smiles, kissing his head before plopping down on your leg falling asleep as well. "The hell? am i a cheep hotel for people to crash on or something? " You sigh. A few minutes pass as everything dies down. Karkat was holding the sleeping sollux guy. john and kai are alseep dirk is with.... wait. ..

"...um....where's jake?" You ask nervously.

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