im WHAT!

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Be jake===>

You were gonna surprise your cousin but when you saw him you could feel another power coming from john. You watch him go from sad to happy to sad again. You focus on where the other energy was coming from and it was coming from his stomach. " john your..." as soon as you spoke john had tackled you to the ground. " i don't know why! But im crying...". John clings to you, bawling his eyes out. "john WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU PREGNANT" It was like everything went silent the wind didn't move in the trees. the waves stopped crashing on the shore. It was like everything stopped and just watched the 4 of you. You couldn't help have a strong angry tone. You were pissed off because you had warned john that having sex early will lead to his heart broken and betrayal. "im...what? no no no no no no i haven't had sex yet and with who!". John said pulling away. Jake paused and so did dirk. In unison you , john and dirk turn and look at dave who was nervous sweating. " uh....uh..." was all dave could say. John's eyes water up. "did you...fucking rape my cousin!". You growl at dave. "wow bro thats a new low, even for you". Dirk said shaking his head at dave. " no that's not it at all! He he fucking came onto me and ..well i thought it was a dream". Dave said looking down. " i would remember coming onto you and having sex with you!" John said his emotions running around again. " ....what did he look like dave?". You asked trying to get to the bottom of it. " well... his eyes are like when he goes hunting for fish they are brighter and have black slits and well he was needy like needed to be touched and purring. I have never seen john like that and i remembered laying down so...well....i thought it was a dream." dave said, a bit hurt. Dirk raised a brow and looks at you. " john was in heat". You concluded " i was in what?". John gasps " like the sex heat thing that you told me about?" john added confused. You nod and he blushes hard. " well...i can't be mad at you didn't really know what you were doing. ..." you rub your neck some.

Be dirk====>

You look over at jake and john having a conversation. " so how did it feel fucking a merman" you asked with a smirk. Dave flicks you off . " well sorry not the one who knocked up one". Another smirk left your lips. " know what it was fucking amazing you're just mad you cant fuck jake." dave snarls at you. " well i'm not the idiot who got in a fight with their pregnant whatever you two are and made him cry." he growls at what you said. " i feel bad for doing it now so shut up already. !" dave yelled at you . Jake and john crawl over . John was hiding his face blushing hard. "well....john is pregnant.'s already been a week so what will happen is that after the 3rd week john will lay eggs then he will have to be with the eggs for 3 more weeks before they hatch and have baby merman or maid kids." jake said rubbing john's arm. You nod "well guess you have to carry out his orders now." you smirk at dave. " well no i will get the food and dirk you will be helping me. dave needs to be with john most he can ." jake added and dave smirks.

Be john===>

You were extremely embarrassed about this all. You found out you had sex with dave. To be honest you did want to do that with him, but not like this. You wanted to do when you were ready. You feel good that he wanted you but know that your realize you had sex in heat it's coming back to you. How he made your body feel like clay as he models you. You remember his face. But they still had sunglasses on and that kinda made you mad. You look up at him some and he smiled at you and a flashback of when he was ontop of you came making you jolt and look down blushing bad. It was embarrassing as hell. Jake lets you go when you weren't ready you start to fall dave caught you in his arms " you alright babe"? . Babe? Babe? He just called you babe ahh you were so embarrassed you couldn't think straight. Your face was so red you were pretty sure your ears were smoking. " you okay john? You look red" dave said moving you face so he could look at you. You turn red even more . " yes i'm fine!'' . You push him off to find yourself falling again . Dave caught you again and sighs. He take you to his little leaf hut setting you down and sitting with you. " since you are pregnant and stuff... do you wanna be mine?" dave asked. His face was all red and he was not looking at you. You found it adorable but you were too embarrassed as it is he kept adding it on. You mumble. " what was that? " he asked. You mumble a bit louder. "what?" he leans down closer. " FUCKING YES GOG OF ALL SEAS" you burst out bright red. He smiled and kissed your head. " good"

merstuck  ( davexjohn  dirkxjake )Where stories live. Discover now