power's do help

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Be Dave = = = >

Tears fell from your eyes as you screamed, holding onto John's lifeless torso. Everything started to spin, but it felt like in reverse. You clung to John's torso for the life of you, not wanting to let go, but it was ripped from your hands. "NO! NO! JOHN, COME BACK!" You screamed as you open your eyes to find yourself outside the large bedroom doors with everyone. Tears were still slowly leaking from your eyes. "Wha... Where am I..." You look around frantically to see John looking at you weird Sollux was as well, along with Karkat. Jake just staying quiet. "Oh... Oh my god! John! " You tackled him into a hug and held him close, listening to his heart beat. "Uh....Dave? Are you crying? Why are you acting weird" John asked a bit scared. "I just... We went inside the room and stuff happened I was paralyzed and you... You... You were killed by a fucking shark and Eridan got dragged away by it. Kai...! He tried to warn you but you didn't listen! I saw you die John... I just... I don't know. I was screaming and holding onto you and then... I was just... Back here and I don't care just... leave... " You breathed out . John looks at you surprised "That's great, Dave! You unlocked your powers... But, so, like... I died? In there?" John said a bit worried. You nod. "What did Jake do?" He asked looking at Jake. " Nothing, he was in his starting of his heat... Oh! Jake, go back to the island with Dirk, okay?" You look at Jake who just looked right back at you. "Actually... John, go with him. Now." You said looking back at John. " What!? No! I want to stay with you and find Kai! What if Kai isn't in there...?" John said worried. " John... He is in there... Trust me, I know okay? If you go in your might die, so please... Just... Please go. " You looked at him. John just paused but soon accepted it and took Jake away.
" Sollux, send Karkat with them. I need you to help me with something." you said as Sollux nodded and talked Karkat into leaving. "So, this is the plan..." you said to sollux.

Be Eridan ===>
The child was being a brat not listening to you at all... You're only trying to kidnap him... What's the big deal? You went to yell and slap the child but loud laughter filled the room from the hallway. The door flew open to show the red tailed boy. Was Dave his name? You think so. The Dave kid was laughing like crazy as he slowly came in. "Wwhats so funny?" You demanded with a hiss, pulling the boy back behind you. " Oh oh! The last time I killed you was GREAAAT! Oh my fucking god bro. You had this look of complete fear as you cried!" He choked out making you stiffen. He can't possibly have the time travel powers yet! Wwhy would he let this happen if he did. "Ah, you see, I've already explored the other possibilities of this timeline, but... I have yet to see someone scream girlier than you, dude. " He said with a smirk. You worry... How did he know you that had a girlish scream? "Wwhat are you talking about"? You asked annoyed.
"I've done this so many times now..." The red tailed boy said as he yawned. "And, to be frank... I've killed you so many times that I can't count on my fingers anymore and now. I'm bored so, I'm done" He added with a cold tone. "Wwhat? I havven't died yet only you! " You yelled angrily and a bit panicked. " Don't do the stupid lightning bolt shit man... It's annoying as hell." He said waving his hand to the side. "H-Howw did you...knoww that? I don't showw it to anyone...." You stuttered out. "Because I have gone back to the moment I open that door so many times... Just to have my sick fun with you. The parts where you attacked as you screamed for me to not cut you to bits. The parts where I gouged out your eyes and watched you run around screaming. Or the part I ripped off one side of your flipper..." He smirks "I have never seen anyone with purple blood before..." He continued, making your blood run colder than it already was. "....Oh my cod.." You whispered to yourself and your hand let go of the child. The child swam back to his father and clung to him. You were to worried about this crazy boy in front of you. "So, Eridan, pick your death..." He got a sick grin "Want me to kill you slow? How about I burn your gills shut? Oh! I know! How about I feed you to a pack of hungry sharks?!" He laughed evilly. " NO NO! Don't kill me please! I wwill leavve towwn ! I wwont bother any one evver again! PLEASE! " You screamed at him. He just cocked his head to the side " I don't think you mean it..." The boy added as he slowly swam over to you. " I WWILL! I MEAN IT PLEASE! PLEASE!" you screamed as purple tears started to leak from your eyes. Dave just smirked. "Tell the city the truth about it all and then leave... See... My brother, the orange reincarnation, won't be too happy about all of this. I think he might have to do his own little special torture!" He laughed as he shook his head. "OKAY! OKAY WWHAT EVVER IT TAKES! JUST PLEASE!" You screamed fearing for your life. "...Mmmmm okay... I will be watching. If you lie...You will be lying on the floor -- dead." Dave snapped before leaving with his child.
Be Dave == = >

As you swim out of the room, Sollux followed after you. "Dude, did you really kill him that many time2...?" He asked a bit concerned. You keep a blank face " No... I was bluffing." You said simply, making Sollux chuckle.
"Really? Could've fooled me man!" Sollux shook his head. "That's the point." You added a smirk to your face as you both swam back to the island.

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