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( filler cuz i can this is basically a chapter thats i didn't do in the book like. What goes on behind the scenes type thing where kai is just being an adorable evil lil shit)

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Be dave = = = >

Its been a week since Kai was born and he was growing up fast. He was already somewhat walking. You sat back as John -- in his human form -- walked around, helping Kai walk. Back and forth they went as Kai giggled at John, who was oddly a really good parent. I mean he was about 16? On the run ? And is being an awesome mom. John doesn't know it yet, but he is strong. As you sit there thinking you were snapped out of your thoughts as John stands a 2 bike lengths away from you and lets Kai go. Kai stands there for a second, his legs shaking like jelly. Kai slowly lowered himself to the ground but made an "o" shape with his mouth and slowly stood back up. He started to walk slowly with a big smile on his face as he got to you, landing in your lap. "Good job lil man " you ruffled his already head full of hair. Kai rolls on his back and giggled at you. He blew spit bubbles from his mouth as he made grabby hands at you. You smile giving his small, cute baby hands your index fingers. Kai gave you this confused look as he investigated your fingers. He started to chew on them, drooling all over. " wow calm down there buddy. drool any more and you will flood the sea" you smile at him. You pick him up, holding him to your chest smiling. Kai snuggles but nips at your chest. " WOW NO OKAY" you yelled, pulling him away from you. Kai started crying as John looks dead at you with the look of a mother bear about to kill. "WHAT DID YOU DO" John yelled, storming over and taking Kai away from your hold. " He tried to suck my nipple for food!" you said, defending yourself. John just scruntched his nose up in anger. " HE DOESN'T FEED FROM THE CHEST HE EATS SMALL THINGS OF FISH" John yelled as he storms away. Kai was clinging to John's neck, sniffling, but he looks up at you with an evil smirk and sticks his tongue out as he was taken away by John. Your mouth dropped in shock. Dirk just started to laugh at you " oh OHH that was good! ahahah " Dirk huffed out, walking over to Jake who was talking to John. After Kai calms down, John put him down so that he could crawl around. He crawled over to Dirk's leg and started to pat it as he let out the cutest baby noises. Dirk just looks down at him. " what is it, shrimp?" Dirk said, picking his leg up some. Kai pulls himself up on Dirk's pants leg. " wow, you're a strong one" Dirk chuckles as Kai giggled and straight up headbutts Dirk in the nuts. "OHFF YOU LITTLE SHIT" Dirk yelled, falling back and curling up into a ball. Kai held his eye and started to cry. Jake turns to see this and scowled at dirk. "THE HELL DID YOU DO DIRK? DID YOU HIT HIM? HE IS A LITTLE BOY, HE DOESN'T KNOW ANY BETTER! " Jake yelled as John picks Kai up and rocks him and kisses above his eye, calming him down. "Yea and dont hit my child or i will drown you" John growled as he walks away to a different side of the beach, sitting by the water so Kai could play around in it. "WHAT?! BUT HE JUST" dirk was in the middle of saying when Jake cut him off. "NO JUST NO YOU DONT HIT A CHILD FOR NOT KNOWING SOMETHING" Jake yelled. "BUT I DIDN'T HIT HIM HE IS FAKING IT" dirk tried to defend himself. " why the HELL would he do that? he doesn't know any better!" Jake stomped his foot and storms off to where John was. You smirk " ohh ohh that was good haha" you teased Dirk. Dirk was about to comment when Jake threw a rock at his head, hitting him dead on. " AND DONT cuss in front of the baby!" Jake and John both said in unison as they went back to playing with Kai, who was giggling and splashing around in the water. Dirk just curls in a ball of pain as you watch Kai from a far. He was slowly waddling to the water. He stopped to pick up a small hermit crab to investigate it. When the small crab came back out of its shell, Kai got a big grin. He tried to run back to Jake and John, but he fell. John gasps as he walked over picking him up. " you okay, baby?" John looked worried as Kai shakes the sand from his head and smiles. He started to pat johns face with the small crabs shell . Kai just makes baby noises as he continued to pat John's face. John just chuckles and set him down, taking the crab from his hand. "it's called a hermit crab that little shell is his home. When he hides, it's when he's scared. Watch." John said as he held the crab out in his hand and whispers to it. Soon after the crab slowly emerging from his shell and crawling around. Kai makes an "o" shape with his mouth as he watched it move around. Kai picks it some as the crab retreated back into his shell. He let out a small whimper when it does. John sets the crab down and picks Kai up. " you are the cutest -- just an angel!". He said, snuggling Kai as Kai giggled. You and Dirk both look at one another " ya, the angel from hell..." You grumble to each other.

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