Chapter 12~~~Missing

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"Was it really that good?" I asked everyone. "Yeah, it was" Anthony said, smiling. Ian and lasercorn nodded. I never thought I could sing good. But maybe I can. I smiled. "You know what? Lets make a singing video! We have Sing Party for the Wii!" Anthony said. "Come on guys let's have a sing off!" Lasercorn said. We got the cameras set up, and started recording. "Game bang!" We all said. "As you can see we are at Ian and Anthony's house! Oh, and it's me, Ian, Anthony, and Hayden" lasercorn said. "Today we will play Sing Party" Anthony said in a funny voice. I laughed. I always have fun with these guys!
"First one singing is.... Ian!" Anthony announced. "Uh-oh, rip headphone users" Lasercorn said, which made me laugh really hard. "Whatever, you just jealous of my awesome awesomeness" Ian said. "Yeah, totally" I said. "OK, I'm going to do....How you remind me by Nickleback" Ian said. "Ooooh" Anthony said. "Gotta get my Nickleback voice" Ian said, and then made a weird sound. I looked at him like he was weird. Then he started "singing" I could lie and say it wasn't that bad, but it was really bad. "Its still better than the real Nickleback" Lasercorn said. I was shocked. How could someone be a famous singer when they sounded like Ian?
"Lasercorn, you go" i suggested. He gave me a funny look which made me laugh. '' ok, should i do ymca or love shack?" Lasercorn asked. "Love shack baby!" Ian yelled. So lasercorn started singing. He made a couple of funny faces while he tried to sing good. Next anthony did a song called glad you came.
My ears almost started to bleed. And his dance was horrible. Eventually it got to my turn. "I think I will pick" Anthony said. "Okay" I said, nervous. "How bout call me maybe" Anthony said. I was happy, because I actually knew this song. After I finished the song, we compared the scores. I came in first, Ian came in second, Anthony came in third, and lasercorn came in last place.
"Now, lasercorn gets to sing baby by Justin bieber!" Ian said. They made lasercorn wear a dress, and a wig. He didn't want to sing at all, but he did. "Baby baby baby ohhhh" rang his "singing." "Oh no" I said. It was a fun day. After the singing competition, we all said our goodbyes. "Bye Hayden" lasercorn said to me. "Bye unclecorn" I said, making him smile.
It was still light outsidw so I decided to walk around the neighborhood. "Can I go walking?" I asked Ian and Anthony. "I guess, but be extra careful" Ian said. I headed out. Scarlet was in her yard. "Hey neighbor" she said. "Hi" I said, and waved. "You want to walk with me?" I asked. She nodded, "sure, I have a good idea of where to go" she said. I followed here. We left the neighborhood. "I don't think I'm aloud to be this far away" I said. "It will be fine, trust me" she said.
I did, and followed her. "It isn't too much further" she said. We were walking through a seemingly empty neighborhood. I suddenly felt a hand grab my shoulder, then put a rag over my face. I quickly looked behind me and saw a guy with a black ski mask on. I couldn't fight back. Another man did the same to scarlet. We both fell to the ground, unconscious.
Anthony's P.O.V
"Ian, I'm getting worried. It's dark outside and Hayden still hasn't come home" I said. I was freaking out. "Yea, this is unusual." Ian said. They we're sitting at the dinning room table. "Maybe she is over at Jenny and Scarlet's house" I said, pulling out his cell phone. I dialed the number and called. "Anthony?" Jenny asked. She was Scarlet's mom. "Yes, is Hayden over there?" I asked hopeful. "No, neither is Scarlet. What if something happened?" She asked, starting to cry.
"Jenny, it's okay, I promise. Come over here while we think of where to look." Isaid. "O...okay" she said. They hung up. I gave Ian a worried look. "She is probably just out with Scarlet." Ian said, even though he had doubts. "Maybe your right" I said.
Jenny walked through the front door, crying. We sat her down and comforted her. She eventually fell asleep on the couch. "What are we going to do?" I asked Ian, putting my head into my hands. As if my words we're a que, the phone rang. I hesitated for a second, but answered. "Hello?" I asked. "Anthony Padilla. Is this you?" Asked a mean mechanical voice. "Y...yeah" I said hesitantly. Something was definitely wrong here. "What is going on. Who is this?" I asked. "I can't tell you who I am. I can only tell you that I have the kids." He said. "WHAT?" I yelled. "I have your kid and niece!" The man said laughing.
Tears started coming to my eyes. "No, don't cry!" I told my self. Why was I so close to tears? I know why. It is Hayden. I have always wanted a kid and now I have one that I have to protect. She is MY kid. I don't care if she isn't blood. I love her and I won't let this guy hurt her. "Where is she?" I asked, ready to jump through the phone. "Right here with me. Why don't you say hi to your dad" he said. I could hear the sarcasm around the word "dad" "Help me, Anthony!" I heard her yell.
"Why would he help you? He doesn't love you, and he never will. You aren't his kid, no one loves you" the man said, trying to make me mad. "I think I will let you go. You need your beauty sleep. Maybe you will see Hayden again one day. Who knows?" The guy said, hanging up. I stared at the phone, and started crying. Jenny hugged me, while Ian awkwardly stood beside us. "We will get them. I know we will. And I will stop at nothing to have my daughter and niece back" I said.
*Sorry it has been so long. A lot has been going on, but I'm back!!!!😎😎*

*Ian's on nickleback song in media!!*

  * I changed the sing party gamebang to fit in the story but I think it still works!!!*

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