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"HOW CONVENIENT. The stray has a first-aid kit." Ringers voice oozed with annoyance. It appeared the only people that could tolerate my presence were either under 13 or Ben Parish.

Meaning Cassie still had her reservations about me and Ringer, well Ringer was Ringer.

"Of course I have a first aid kit, do you know how many times I have been shot at?" I restrained myself from rolling my eyes. Ben was my only priority and I didn't really care what Ringer thought. She seemed possessive over Ben. Maybe she hadn't been around boys her age in a while.

From a distance, Cassie watched as I applied antibiotic cream to Ben's bleeding abdomen. She hadn't really said anything to me since that weird "shark who dreamed he was a man" statement. But in a way, I suspected it meant she knew I wasn't completely... human.

Ben moaned out in pain slightly as I placed the new bandages on his wound."Easy there, Sinclair." He let out a pained chuckle.

"Sorry." I blushed, and eased the amount of pressure.

"This is actually painful to watch." Ringer said, walking out of the room. This time I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes. Teacup followed faithfully after Ringer. The two of them had some sort of weird bond. They argued like nobodies business, yet they remained loyal to one another.

I couldn't completely understand it, but it was endearing.

"Uh." Ben mumbled, bringing me back to the present, where my hands were on his abdomen for no apparent reason.

"Sorry!" I repeated, immediately stepping away from Ben and blushing again.

"Don't worry about it." He said, with a crooked smile. I found myself getting lost in his eyes. There was something about Ben that made me want to get to know him. I wanted to know pre-invasion Ben. High School Ben. What his favourite subject or sport was, what kind of friends he had and whether or not he had siblings. I wanted-

Yet once again my thoughts were interrupted as Cassie cleared her throat. I had almost forgotten she was there.

"Riley, can I- um... talk to you for a bit?" She asked, skeptically. I looked between Ben and Cassie, then nodded slightly.

She tilted her head to the side, signalling me to follow her away from Ben. I nodded again and followed her lead, but not before noticing Ben wink at me.

Cassie's strawberry blonde curls bounced lightly as she led me into a separate room. I envied her hair colour. My complexion made it almost impossible to look good with hair that colour.

As soon as we entered the room, she closed the door behind us. She whispered in a way that would've been impossible for a person without enhanced hearing to understand.

"Evan Walker." My heart rate sped up almost instantly. I knew that name. The Silencer. With his deep-set chocolate brown eyes and thick brown hair, he had always struck me as different.

"How do you know him?"


Published: 3rd January 2016

Short update but yeah, this is kind of a filler chapter. For anyone asking about Evan, he's coming soon I promise.


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