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"Welcome to cinematography, the class you'll be studying for the semester unless you urgently need to change classes." The young teacher announces as he writes his name on a giant chalk board. If you think chalkboards at school are big then you need to check these out. Everything in college is bigger and better. The rooms are huge and can seat 100 people. The seats are set out like an auditorium. Riley looks around the room to see if theres anyone who actually wants to be here. Surprisingly, most of the class look eager to get into this subject.

"My name is Mr Josephs." Mr Josephs scribbles more stuff on the board messily. Riley cringes as the sound of the chalk scratching against the board echoes through the room. No one is chatting or anything so the class is silent.

"The first genre of films we will be studying is slasher movies." Riley widens her eyes as he says that. She's not sure whether its out of excitement or horror. Are colleges allowed to show that? Psycho maniac killers with a chainsaw and a hook? What has this world come to? Despite the fact that they're horror movies, Riley's excited for something other than documentaries. Mr Josephs continues to explain what a slasher movie is and Riley listens until theres a kick on the back of her chair.

"Stop checking out the teacher." Calum whispers to Riley loud enough for the girl next to Riley to hear. The girl shakes her head and continues listening to Mr Josephs. Riley rolls her eyes and turns around but turns back to Calum when a question hit her.

"Why are you even taking this class?" Riley asks with a bitchy tone. Calum didn't do anything to do with films last year so Riley's phased by why he's in this class.

"To annoy the shit out of you." Calum pushes Riley's head just to piss her off even more. This is one of the many reasons why Riley hates Calum, he annoys her deliberately. With a scoff, Riley ended the conversation and faced the front. A nudge on her arm made her blood boil until she realized that it was the girl next to her.

"I wouldn't blame you for checking out the teacher. He's pretty god damn hot." The girl next to Riley admits to her. This made Riley look at more of the details on his face.

"He looks like Matt Healy." Riley nods her head in approval of the teacher, god dam Mr Josephs is hot. The girls face lights up as Riley mentions the words Matt Healy. Riley is obsessed with The 1975 but she'll never admit it. Little does Riley know that this girl is obsessed with The 1975 too. It must've been fate but it made Calum annoyed as he loved The 1975 too and hates how Riley loves them.

"Hi, I'm Ashley Frangipane and my favourite song is The City or Robbers." Ashley holds her hand out to shake Riley's hand after rapidly speaking her sentence.

"Hey, I'm Riley Greene." Riley shakes Ashleys hand confidently. She may not have another chance to make any other friends so she just had to do it. Plus, Riley thinks Ashley is cool with her aqua hair cut to her shoulders. Its an outrageous hair color but she works it. Riley is surprised that the teacher hasn't called them yet but College is more relaxed. The teachers get paid to talk so thats what they do, they don't send students out, they don't give them detentions, they just talk.

For the rest of the two hours Riley, Ashley and Calum had no interactions with each other. They were all incased by the topic, I mean, who wouldn't be? This is a freaking amazing topic to study. After the teacher dismisses them Riley heads for her room to hopefully go to sleep before her next class. She barely got any sleep last night so she really needs this sleep before she goes to her next class. She opens the door and dumps her books on the ground before collapsing on the couch. It took a couple of minutes for her to get motivated to put a movie on but once she did she fell straight asleep. It was hard to stay awake when you were on the edge of passing out.

1 H O U R L A T E R

Luke walks into the room loudly, not noticing that Riley was fast asleep on the couch. He slams the door but curses to himself as he sees Riley move. Silently, he crept over to her to see if she's awake.

"Are you awake?" Luke whispered making a failed attempt of trying to be silent. Riley opens her eyes slightly and smiles.

"Yes, but that was much needed." Riley sits up letting Luke sit next to her, she braces herself for the complaints Luke has about his classes or about the college in general. Putting up with the complaints about high school was easy but Riley thinks the college complaints are going to be worse. After a while of silence and Luke nearly drifting off to sleep Riley decides to ask. "So... no complaints?" Riley asks surprised by how quiet Luke has been.

"Not really except that we have lessons that go for three hours." Luke sighs as he drops his book down next to his feet. Both were not bothered to say anything at this point. "What did you dream about?" Luke made a shitty attempt to create conversation.

"Sex with Matt Healy." Riley exhales as she really loves Matt Healy. More. Than. You'd. Ever. Imagine. Luke chucjles as he stands up, pulling Riley up with him.

"We're going out for lunch." Luke pulls Riley out of the room no matter how much she refused.





Yes ily xxxx

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