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"Today, you will all be working on your assignment. Keep the due date in mind." Mr Josephs says before everyone walks to their partners. Riley sits still next to Ashley to wait for Joe. Ashley turns to Calum to start the assignment but his head is in a whole different world. Joe smiles at Riley and she instantly feels happy.

"Hey, Riley." Joe greets Riley before sitting next to her.

"Hey, did you bring your notes?" Riley asks Joe. Joe nods and holds his notes out.

"They're right here." Joe hands the notes to Riley, Riley admires how neat the notes are. As Riley is a perfrctionist so she likes things neat. "Oh, I also did that red and blue pen thing you said you liked." Joe remembers as he looks at her notes. They've pretty much done all the assignment, they just need to piece it all together into an essay. Riley smiles at Joe before They continue on working together.

Meanwhile, with Calum and Ashley, they aren't agreeing so much with their assessment. Calum has barely done anything with it whilst Ashley has tried her hardest to get good notes.

"You're so hopeless, all you had to do was write down notes about the camera angles." Ashley lectures Calum, making sure it gets through his thick head. Calum keeps nodding as he looks at Riley with hatred in his eyes. "You're not even listening to me!" Ashley sighs and slumps down in her seat. She can't even be bothered to try to tell him what to do again.

"Look, I literally couldn't give two shits." Calum says to Ashley.

"Yeah? Well I can, so you better get your shit together otherwise you'll fail." Ashley decides to motivate Calum to do it but she really is hating it. Calum shrugs. "That means they'll send a letter home to your parents." Ashley has a devilish grin as she says that.

"Wai-- what?" Calum's eyes widened.

"I know what's going on with you, so you better get your shit together or everyone will know." Ashley smiles triumphantly to herself as Calum looks through her notes in a rush. The reason that Calum is doing this kind of disappointed Ashley.


"Bye, Joe!" Riley waves as she walks out of the classroom and starts walking to her next class. This is her first back to back class and it reminds her of high school a little because its a class with Luke, Michael, Ashton and sadly, Calum. Ashley also takes the class but Riley isn't too close with her yet. Riley walks beside Ashley as they reach advanced English. Riley checks a board at the front to know where she's assigned to sit. The teacher is an organize freak but worse than Riley. They get new assigned seats every week so that's like a 1\40 chance that Riley will be seated next to Calum.

"Who are you seated next to?" Ashley asks Riley.

"Next to my friend, Michael." Riley smiles. "Where are you?"

"Ashton Irwin?" Ashley unsurely pronounces.

"Oh! He's another one of my friends. I'll introduce you to him!" Riley giggles excitedly as she drags Ashley to Ashton who's turned around in his seat and talking to Luke. "How do you guys get here so fast?"

"The music room is, like, just there." Ashton chuckles as he points to the next classroom.

"Well, this is my friend, Ashley." Riley introduces Ashley and she waves to Ashton. "She's been seated next to you so... Have fun!" Riley says before sitting down next to Michael.

"Aye! Riley! How was your last class?" Michael asks enthusiastically as Riley sits down. Obviously, Michael's a bit too happy right now so Riley suspects that he's drunk. Michael has drank before and when he has drank he's drank a lot. He doesn't do it often though.

"Let me smell your breath." Riley laughs as she thinks he's drunk.

"You think I've been drinking?" Michael asks playfully offended.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do." Riley admits as she opens her book ready to start the lesson. Michael taps his nose twice as the teacher strolls in.

"Advanced English." She says as she places books down on her desk that's in front of the class. Surprisingly, the class is small compared to others that seat 100. People just aren't interested in advanced English. "My name is Mrs Smith and this is our first class. Don't worry about only having two classes this week because we have a lot next week."

No groans were to be heard which really surprised Riley. Michael taps on Riley's shoulder and she turns to him to see what he has to say.

"You know I'm not actually drunk, right?" Michael asks Riley and Riley nods.

"Yeah, you don't smell like alcohol." Riley giggles.

"What is up with you and smelling me today?" Michael laughs but his attention snaps over to the teacher who has tapped Riley's shoulder. Riley grits her teeth as she slowly turns to the teacher.

"I understand if you don't want to take this class but some people do." Mrs Smith says as she hands Riley and Michael a book. To Kill A Mockingbird, Riley has already read it before but its been a while.

"I w-want to be in this class, I was j-just, uhm--" Riley stutters buts stops herself before she embarrasses herself in front of 40 people. The teacher slightly laughs before walking off to hand everyone a book. Riley huffs in embarrassment as everyone was looking at her. "That was your fault." Riley laughs before listening to Mrs Smith's instructions.


I honestly don't even know.




And I got a joooooooob at a cafe so I will be slower with updates.


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