Ch 1: Kidnapped

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Hey guys Skye Worthington here, I'm this is my first Hiccup book. So I decided to start out with all Hiccastrid shippers dream: their wedding. This is my first wedding! I'm so excited! Yay. I hope you guys like it! Please comment, vote, and tell me what you think. I hope you guys like it. Ok chapter 1, here we go. Hope you guys like it!!!

Excitement was in the air. A sense of peace and fulfillment filled every corner of Berk as it prepared itself for the biggest wedding they had ever seen. Everyone had been waiting for this very moment. Ever since they met, Hiccup and Astrid were destined to become something special, at least that's what everyone thinks. Although they were an unexpected pairing, they managed to find each other and become the best of friends. They grew to respect and admire each other on a very personal level.

After 5 years, Hiccup proposed and after a year of preparation both Hiccup and Astrid perfected every detail. Today was the day and everyone was bubbling with excitement. The Great Hall was all ready. The snow white silk sashes were intertwined with bright red sashes gracefully hanging down each altar. These sashes created quite an entry. Flowers had been pick and placed around the walls for a special effect. Valka did have an eye for design. Hiccup thought it was really fancy, but whatever made Astrid happy made Hiccup happy. Hiccup and the guys had been preparing upstairs in the Great Hall while Astrid, Valka, and the girls prepared at the house.

(At Val/ Hiccup's house)

The girls began finishing Astrid's hair. Val had braided her dirty blond hair, with a beautiful cascading waterfall braid. Valka had been excited, ever since she came back and met Astrid, she had been waiting for a wedding. Valka admired Astrid's strength and strategy. She would be a wonderful compliment in Hiccup's life. Even without Valka being there for the majority of Hiccup'a life, she was very grateful he had found friends and someone he could call home too. She was glad that she did not miss this special moment in her sons life.

Astrid simply looked at herself thinking how far they had both come. At one point she remember the mild annoyance Hiccup's presence would cost. She only chuckled at the thought. Soon they would be husband and wife. Astrid did not want any extra fuss on her special day. She preferred having her natural face and no paint on her face. A new invention called makeup had created a spur between lots of woman. Astrid recalled how she called it a natural face paint. She preferred everything to be simple. Everything from her dress to flower crown. The bridesmades would be in red. There were only 4. Astrid's cousins and Ruffnut. One would be with Fishlegs, another with Snotlout, and the last one with Tuffnut.Val and her mother and father would be right before her, when they walked down the isle. Astrid looked in the mirror. She grinned. She loved how the dress had embroidered rose petals inside her red lace. It flowed down, wrapping around her waist twice and flowing down the skirt. Astrid felt like a princess. Hiccup was her king and she his Queen.

At the thought of the future, Astrid was certain she would be safe and happy with Hiccup. Sure he was a bit of a bookworm but she found that charming. He was more of a man than any other person. Astrid wondered what her life would look like in a few years.. children? Dragons? What would happen to exploring the world? So much uncertainty..Astrid snapped out of her thoughts when Valka spoke.

"There dearie. All finished. What do you think?" Valka asked.

Astrid simply thought, "Would marriage change any plans to see the world? Would being married to the chief require her to have new responsibilities?"

Valka cleared her throat, "Astrid dear, what's on your mind?"

Astrid looked at her and smiled, "Nothing Valka, just thinking. I feel as if my life will be different. Will I have more responsibilities?"

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