Chapter 6: Not Together

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*Ariana's POV*

I wake up with Justin's arms around my waist, we must have fell asleep on the couch together.

I quickly pull out of his grip because we're not together, but careful not to wake him just yet.

"Mm," he groans and shifts slightly.

"Justin wake up, we're gonna leave soon." I whisper lightly and shake him gently.

His eyes flutter open and he smiles when his eyes connect with mine.

"Where are we going?" He asks and gets up.

"Shh, it's a surprise." I say and rush up the stairs.

I go downstairs after getting dressed cute, yet casual and see Justin. He has that sexy vibe that just makes me swoon, now I see why all those teenage girls drool over him.

I giggle a bit because our outfits might clash, but who cares. When he hears me giggle he turns around and smiles looking me up and down.

"Aw, you're so adorable!" He says and pinches my cheek.

I pull out of his grip and stick my tongue out at him.

"You tease." He says and we walk out the door.

Justin tries to grab my hand, but I shake my head and give him a disapproving look.

"Paparazzi." I whisper.

"There's none around here."

"You never know." I say and look around cautiously.

We get in the car and 'The Way' is playing. I look at Justin with a sly smile before we bust out singing like maniacs.

When the song is over I laugh and Justin can't stop grinning.

"How am I supposed to drive when I don't know where we're going?" He asks with a chuckle.

"Let's go to Starbucks." I say, imitating a preppy voice.


We order and just talk for a bit, then leave to go for a walk around his neighborhood.

"So, you like it here?" He asks me.

"Yeah, it's so peaceful." I say and take in the fresh air.

"It's a nice change." He nods and looks up at the sky and squints.

"What do you mean?" I ask and he looks to his other side, almost avoiding my gaze.

He wets his lips before speaking again.

"It's hard being a celebrity, I'm not complaining, but the paparazzi just never give me a break. It's almost as if privacy doesn't exist." He finishes and looks at the ground while we continue walking.

"I know the feeling." I say quietly.

We keep walking while thinking about how much our lives have changed since we've become famous.

We go inside his house and I sit on the couch, then turn on the tv. Justin goes upstairs for who knows what, then comes back down and turns off the tv.

"Hey, why'd you do that? I was-" I stop once I see him holding a guitar case.

"Can I play something for you?" He asks and I nod.

He begins to play 'Nothing Like Us' and I can feel my eyes burn and blur up. The part that really hits me is that he stares at me intently, clearly meaning every word that comes out. As corny as it sounds, the song truly was written from the heart.

When the song is over, I rub my eyes trying to clear them of the tears that threatened to fall once before.

"I didn't know you wrote that for me." I say.

"Most of my songs are about you." He replies, and I smile a bit.

"I didn't think you even remembered me." I say quietly.

"I couldn't forget you, like I said before, I miss us." He says stroking my hand with his thumb.

I move it away slowly, "Justin, I obviously still have feelings for you, but-"

"Wait, really?" He asks curiously.

"Yes I do, but I just need time to figure things out."

And I still have a boyfriend back at home...
I say in my head, but for some reason I feel like I should hide it from Justin.

"I need to know what the right choice is before I make it. Please don't be mad." I say in a low voice.

"I understand." Is all he says and begins to put away his guitar.

"Wait, can you play another?" I ask desperately wanting to hear his angelic voice.

He nods and begins playing one of my favorites 'As Long As You Love Me' acoustic and I smile.


"Do you play?" He asks when he's finished with the song.

"No, I wish." I say with a giggle.

"I could teach you." He says and pats a empty spot between his legs. He rests the guitar on me, then wraps his arms around me and places his fingers over mine, showing me each chord and what they are. He helps me strum and I catch on quickly to the basics. Then we begin to play small parts of songs that we have down.

I lean my head back against Justin's chest and look at him through my lashes and lean my head back further to see his eyes better.

"This is fun." I say with a light smile.

"Yeah," he replies, "it is."

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