Chapter 5

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Chad's POV

I was with Doug on the bench outside. He was complaining that we should not have hurt Jay in order to get even with Evie. After all, we did love her at one point, he was saying.

"I don't care if we loved her," I started. "She broke our hearts."

Doug stared at me before opening his mouth. "Well, yeah, but shouldn't we at least have given her another chance?"

I was bewildered by his thoughts. He was the one who helped me hurt Jay after all.

"Oh, Doug. You don't understand. I asked her out and she said yes. Then, you asked her out and she said yes. She's a flirt, I tell you, a flirt!"

"But, to be fair, she did lose her memory of you asking her out."

"Well, yeah, but still. Why did she even say yes to me anyways? Did she like me or anything?"

"I-I don't know. Maybe she.. Felt bad for you and said yes..?" Doug tried.

My face reddened and it hit me: Evie didn't like me.

I wiped away a tear and acted like I didn't care. "Nonsense. She must've somewhat liked me and then forgot. Something like that."

"Okay, but why did we even hurt Jay?"

"To hit her in the heart like she did to us." I explained somewhat impatiently.

"So we're just trying to get even with her?"

My smiled curled into a smirk. "Exactly. And I have the perfect way to do that."

Evie's POV

I raced out of my dorm and found Jay lying on the ground unconscious. I set my purse and magic mirror down on the ground and looked at Jay. Tears escaped and ran down across my face as I realized what had happened. Chad and Doug had punched, slapped, and kicked him harder than anyone on the Isle of the Lost could imagine. Jay's face was bleeding, his eye was black, and he looked severely injured.

"Jay, Jay wake up" I whispered gently.

When Jay didn't awake, I tried moving him a little. He still didn't move, so I went for the very last thing I would've thought of doing.

I leaned down and gave him a soft kiss. His eyes didn't open, so I turned to look at my magic mirror when I heard him whisper, "Evie?" I looked at him.

"Jay!" I cried and hugged him.

"Evie, wh-what happened?" He asked.

A tear ran down my face again as I remembered why I even came to him in the first place. "Chad and Doug hurt you. I guess they wanted revenge for me breaking their hearts."

Jay lay in shock and tried to lift his hand but failed. "I suppose you're going to take me to the doctor?"

I looked down. "No. Your injury is too severe for a doctor. I'm going to cure you-" I paused and reached for my magic mirror. "With this. Magic mirror on the ground, tell me how to fix Jay's wound." I chanted.

Magical sparkles appeared on the mirror, and a recipe popped up. "Let's get started on this healing potion." I smiled at Jay.

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