Chapter 12

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Evie's POV

Jay kissed me and I kissed back. He pulled me onto him and played with my hair. I giggled.

"What are you doing?" I smiled.

"Playing with your hair" He said with a grin.

He took off his shirt "Is it hot in here? Wait, you're in here"

I rolled my eyes slightly and laughed. "Oh wow"

Jay kissed me again but this time it was passionate and long.

Mal's POV

I walked a little in the hallway, waiting for Jay and Evie's conversation to be over.

I wonder what's taking them so long. Wow.

"Waiting for someone?" I heard behind me. When I turned around, I found Audrey smirking.

"What do you want Audrey?"

"Nothing at all. But I need to warn you about Evie. She's a bad person"

"Care to repeat yourself?"

"Don't get feisty with me, purple girl. I know something about Evie that will leave you wondering if she's a good friend or not"

"Nothing you say will ever change our friendship. So whatever you have to tell me, you can save it."

"Are you sure about that?" She pulled out her phone and got a picture of Evie and Doug. She showed me a video of Doug asking Evie out and her saying yes.

"This was after Chad asked her out. She didn't remember that he did."

"Are you stupid? I'm the one that put the spell so she wouldn't remember. Because she didn't want to remember"

"Yeah but it's still rude. Look, Mal, you have to trust me. Carlos does" She smirked.

I turned around to face her. "What?"

"I told Carlos and he doesn't trust Evie anymore."

"Why'd you talk to Carlos? We both know that he'll forget about it tomorrow or, if we're lucky, the next day."

She groaned in frustration "Ugh! I knew I couldn't tell you, you wouldn't believe me"

"I would never believe you, Sleeping Beauty Jr."

She gasped. "Maleficent Jr!" She snapped back.

"Yeah that's not happening. And really, is that the best you got?"

"No I was just warming up. Alien girl" She said.

"Alien girl? Good, I was trying to be like you"

She gasped. "How dare you?! At least I'll be woken up by a handsome prince"

"Say sorry to the prince for me" I cackled.

"Yo-You witch! I'm not inviting you to my birthday party"

I rolled my eyes. "Bye bye" I waved to her. She stomped her foot and left angrily.

I win.

Doug's POV

We were waiting for Audrey to come back but it was taking forever. When she finally came inside, we all stared at her.

"What? Oh, that. Well, um, I didn't get Mal to believe me BUT I will. Soon. I just need proof" She sighed.

Chad went up to her and slapped her on the cheek. "You had one mission and what do you do? Fail!" She pushed him off and wiped away a tear.

"Chad, stop. We all knew it was going to be hard to convince Mal that Evie was- is- a heartbreaker" I said.

Chad groaned. "It shouldn't be that hard" His eyes scanned the room and stopped at Jane. "Especially when we have magic on our side" He smirked.

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