Chapter 7

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Jay's POV

I felt pain everywhere. My ribs were cracked, my ankle was broken, I had a black eye, and overall my body felt tingly. It was the worst feeling I had ever had, worse than when my father hit me when I was younger.

Thank goodness for good friends like Mal and Evie... Oh Evie, she's so beautiful... Snap out of it!

"... Then we're going to get Jay's hair or saliva and add it to the mix. Got that, Jay?" Mal explained, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Yeah. M-my hair." I said weakly.

"Don't worry, Jay, we're going to help you. It's going to be fine." Evie soothed before hugging me gently.

I felt a little better but I was still hurt.

I watched Mal and Evie add the ingredients to a bowl and then hesitate.

"Jay, I need your hair now." Evie came over and I joined her hand with mine without knowing. She felt my hair and found one that was good. I felt a tug when she took the hair.

"Thanks. We'll have you healed in no time." She smiled and gave the hair to Mal, who put it into the bowl and mixed it.

A few minutes later, the potion was done and in cookie form. I took the cookie and ate it. Evie handed me her mirror and immediately I saw my black eye and cuts go away. My ribs and body healed quickly and I was strong again.

"How do you feel?" Mal asked. I grinned widely and gave them both a hug. "I feel so much better. Thank you."

Evie smiled and took me to my dorm. "Thanks so much Evie. I'm glad to have friends like you." I leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm glad you're okay, Jay." She left my dorm and I heard her whisper very softly I love you Jay.

Audrey's POV

I was with Jane and Lonnie, and we were painting our nails. Jane was almost done with my right hand when a loud knock on the door made her scream.

"Oh, come on Jane. It's probably no one." I assured, but Lonnie went to get the door.

"Chad? Doug? What are you doing here?" She asked. I sat upright and rushed to the door.

"Let me handle this Lonnie. Chad, Doug, what are you doing?" I questioned.

Chad and Doug looked at each other before looking back at me. "We need your help."

Author's Note: Hi! So I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Anyways, this week I'm on break so I am gonna update every day. For a possible shoutout, comment below if you're on break. Thanks! Bye!

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