Chapter Ten

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Chapter ten.

Me and Beau stayed in bed, just happily cuddling and chatting. Even when we decided to get up I was still grinning. It was now about 11 in the morning. We'd both finished our orange juices which helped my head ache but I still felt delicate. Beau refused to let go of my hand even after we both showered.

At about 12 me and Beau were both looking presentable and my head ache had nearly all but gone. I was wearing more of his clothes but this time it was sweatpants and a hoodie. He grabbed my hand as we walked into the front room. We were greeted by 2 big smiles and one loud snore. Luke and Jai were watching another football game while Daniel was still fast asleep on the sofa.

"Someone have a big night?" Jai laughed at us.

"Shut up" Beau brushed him off. He continued "I know you've met before but I can introduce you properly to my girlfriend, guys this is Rose." Jai got up and hugged me. While Luke smiled widely at us.

* * *

It was now about 7 in the evening. I was still at Beaus. Jai had gone out with his friend Aaron and Gina had gone out after dropping Daniel home. It was just me, Beau and Luke sitting around in the front room. Me and Beau were laying across the sofa with his arms wrapped around my middle. Luke was sitting in the matching arm chair next to the sofa. The telly was on and the three of us were joking and laughing around.

At about 9, after we ordered in pizza me and Beau went back to mine. He drove us over there so he could give me a lift to work the next day, as I'd already text Sarah checking it was okay he stayed over. I felt nervous to introduce my..... Boyfriend to everyone. I opened the door and it seemed like a normal evening. We walked into the front room. Sarah, Mac and Nick were all in there. Nick was on his laptop in the armchair in the corner, while Mac and Sarah each had a sofa to them sleeves. The telly was on. It was a Australian show I didn't recognise. As we walked in all 3 of them looked up at us, Beau still had my hand in his and he was gently stroking my thumb with his.

"Hi guys, Sarah this is Beau, and them two losers you've already met" I said joking around. Mac stuck his middle finger up at me when his mum wasn't looking.

"Loverly to meet you Beau. Any friend of Rose is a friend if ours." Sarah said briefly hugging Beau.

"Are you two together now?" Mac questioned, the smirk on his face showed he already knew the answer.

"Mac your so funny!" I said sarcasm drowning the short sentence.

"Are you getting married!" Nick chimed in. What? What is this?

"Erm..." Before I could reply properly Mac spoke up.

"Are you gonna have kids? How many?"

Nick continued;

"What kind of wedding dress you gonna have Rose?"

"Can I be godfather to at least 3 of the kids?" Macs poker face failed him on this one and both him and his brother cracked up laughing. I get it. There messing with us.

I looked up at Beau who thankfully understood their joke.

"And after that fab conversation we're gonna go to bed." I said glaring at both the boys and smiling at Sarah I went upstairs and Beau followed. Half way up I heard Mac shout;

"Don't have to much fun" then burst out laughing again. My simple reply was:

"Fuck off Mac" simple but effective.

A Fresh Start - Janoskians Fan Fiction (Beau Brooks) COMPLETED WITH SEQUEL!Where stories live. Discover now