Chapter Fifteen.

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Chapter fifteen.

We'd been back in Australia two weeks. Despite seeing Beau as much as possible I felt so lonely. I still had no female friends out here, unless you count the 56 year old receptionist at the clinic I work at but I really don't. Me and Beau had to change our pick up spot for when he got me from work. This was down to the groups of girls who started gathering there in the hopes of seeing Beau. It was Tuesday and I was staying round Beaus tonight, me and him were the only ones in at the time so we cuddled up on the sofa and put on one of my favourite films. "Good night mr Tom." It was a English film based in the UK during WW2. It was so good and Beau had never seen it so I brought it for him, while we were in England.

It had just ended when Luke and Jai walked in through the door. I didn't know where they'd been but they joined us in the sofas as Beau flicked over to the football. Beaus iPhone was on the table next to us and Luke picked it up and started flicking through it. Beau didn't care, this was a frequent occurrence.

I still didn't understand the rules to football. It was confusing and pointless. Beau did try to explain it to me once but it didn't work out well. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of applause. I looked around and discovered it was coming from Beaus iPhone, Luke must be playing a video on there. And then I heard it. My own voice. It was my second song from the christening. I jumped up and grabbed the phone of Luke. Turning it to Beau, who had also stood up.

"What the Fuck is this?" I half shouted at him.

"It was for.... For if you wanted to hear yourself... Afterwards.... Incase you didn't believe how good you were..." He trailed off.

"I can't believe you!" I stormed out, I walked to Beaus room and picked up my bag of overnight stuff. Beau appeared at the door.

"Where you going?"

"Home" I snapped at him.

"Okay I'll drive you" he muttered.

"No I want to walk. I'm leaving to be away from you." That sounding harsher than I thought it would be.

"But its getting dark, I want to make sure your safe." He said sounding wounded. I grabbed my phone and dialled a number.

"Mac can you pick me up please?"

"What? Why?"

"Can you or not?"

"Sure, you at Beaus?"

"Yeah. As soon as possible please."

I hung up on him and turned back to Beau.

"I trusted you! You knew I had issues with confidence!"

"I'm sorry I thought you'd like to hear it."

After about 5 minutes Mac knocked on the door. Jai answered.

"Hey Jai, is Rose around?"

Before Jai could answer I walking silently out of Beaus room. Brushing past him as he stood in the door way.

"See ya Jai!" I said "see ya later Luke !" I called to the lounge. And I walked out the house.

As Mac drove us home I sat in the passenger seat and stared out the window as the silent tears started to fall. When we got back home I just ran upstairs and cryed into my pillow for a few hours before falling in to a troubled sleep.

* * *

Two days after our argument and I still haven't heard from him. I have never felt more alone. My brothers are on holiday them selves so I can't even Skype them. There in France with my dad, and he has no Internet. To make things worse I keep throwing up, I feel really rough and run down.

* * *

It has been 5 days and still there has not been a sound from Beau. I've been keeping busy to stop myself from falling apart. It was Sunday evening and I was with Mac at home. I was doing laundry while he sat on the table chatting to me. However I had to run to the toilet to vomit but nothing came out. I'd already emptied my stomach after lunch today. If this didn't clear up soon I was gonna see a doctor.

Mac had to go do some work that was in for school tomorrow, while I started putting the washing away. I did my stuff last, I hung my shirts and dresses up and put my trousers in the draw. Finally I opened up my under wear draw. And as I put my clean stuff away I glanced to the corner of the draw. Boxs of tampax. Shit. A terrible thought occurred to me. Fuck!

A Fresh Start - Janoskians Fan Fiction (Beau Brooks) COMPLETED WITH SEQUEL!Where stories live. Discover now