Chapter Seventeen.

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Chapter seventeen.

I was lying in Beaus arms in bed. It was now about 6 at night and we'd both dried each others tears. We were face to face just laughing and talking about the little one.

"What about Beau Junior for a boy?" He joked.

"Full of your self much!" I giggled. There was a slight moment of silence than he looked me in the eye, took my chin between his fore finger and his thumb and kissed me. When he pulled back he whispered, so quietly I hardly heard him.

"Move in with me?"

"What?" I was so surprised.

"We'll need help with everything, my mum will help, and I'm not having the mother of my child living away from me when she needs me the most."

"Shouldn't you check with your mum first?" I asked, secretly thrilled at the idea.

"Good point... Come on! Lets go!" He said pulling me up from the bed.

* * *

"Of course you can but don't you think it's a bit soon sweetie?" Gina said to Beau as we both sat across the dinner table from her.

"We're ready!" Beau grinned looking down at me. I smiled back.

"What's brought this on?" Gina asked suspiciously. Beau looked at me as if asking my permission to tell her, I nodded.

"Well, it was very unexpected, and completely unplanned, and a huge error on my part." He hesitated. "Well, Rose just found out she's pregnant." He finished and squeezed my hand. Gina looked at Beau and then at me then smiled.

"And you both want to keep it?" Gina asked. We nodded in response.

"Well while I'm not trilled at the idea of it, I'll accept it. Just wish you hadn't been so careless. But given that news I wouldn't let Rose not move in." She grinned at me. "Have you told your brothers yet?" She asked Beau.

"No, maybe at dinner?" He looked at me. I shrugged, "sure!" I was still to happy about moving in to care about anything else.

* * *

"Boys I need to tell you something." Beau said as Gina cleared all our plates after dinner, I offered to help clear the table but she wouldn't let me. Luke and Jai looked up, there attention caught by Beaus serious tone.

"What?" Luke questioned.

"Well, Rose is gonna be moving in."

They both smiled at me.

"Ah, that's cool." Jai said as he started getting up from the table.

"That's not all, sit down." Beau added quickly so Jai would stay put. He looked at me and his smile broke on his face into a true, honest, happy smile.

"Rose is pregnant." He said still looking at me.

"What?" Luke didn't understand it.

"This is a joke Beau?" Jai questioned.

"No I'm serious!" Beau said, slightly hurt at the fact his brothers didn't believe him.

"Does mum know?" Luke said , as Gina entered the room again.

"Yes I know! I'd of thought you'd we happy for your brother!" Gina said, still as smiley as ever.

"Fuck man! Your gonna be a dad!" Luke added as a smile spread across his face. They both then got up and hugged Beau and me.

After spending that night at Beaus I took the day off work with 'illness' which they believed due to the vomiting I did while there yesterday. I get now that I've been ill due to the baby. That night we went back to Sarah's and told her that I was moving out. We didn't mention the little one incase she told my mum, I wasn't ready for my family to know yet. Only because I knew this wasn't the life they wanted me to lead. They wanted me to marry a banker from London and buy a cottage in the country somewhere and have one perfect child after 5 years of perfect marriage. They didn't want me moving to Australia for a year, shack up with some local celebrity and having a child out of wedlock. That's when I suddenly thought. I'm not gonna move back to England. I couldn't ask Beau to leave all his family and his job behind and move to London with me. The thought of being this far away from my family forever brought tears to my eyes.

A Fresh Start - Janoskians Fan Fiction (Beau Brooks) COMPLETED WITH SEQUEL!Where stories live. Discover now