Chapter Nine.

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Chapter nine.

Me and Beau carried Daniel in through Beaus front door. He'd have one too many we ended up half dragging him home. We dropped him down on Beaus sofa and he almost instantly feel sleep. It was about 2am and I'd had a great night! Beau had taken me to the club he told me about. We danced all night which was great but now my feet are killing, as I yank off my heels Daniel starts muttering in his sleep and both me and Beau have to hold in giggles.

Beau looked at me and in 2 steps he was right in front of me. Leaning down he started kissing me. It didn't take long for our kiss to deepen. I wrapped my arms around his neck and started twirling my fingers in his hair. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. As he started walking out of the lounge he had his arms on the bottom of my thighs keeping me up. He very clumsily walked down the corridor bumping into the walls as we went.

As we got into his room he set me down on the bed. Still kissing me he unbuttoned his shirt and I pulled it down with my free hands. He slid off his jeans and move on to the zip of mu dress. He tossed my red dress on the floor and his lips moved down to my neck. He paused and pulled back slightly.

"I love you" he whispered. With out thinking about it I knew my reply.

"I love you too"

* * *

Again I woke up in Beaus arms. But this time it was only one draped over my stomach. I had a horrible head ache and was so thirsty. I looked at the clock on the bedside table. 7:45. Why an I up so early? I carefully slipped out of Beaus arms being careful not to wake him. Pulling on his shirt from yesterday I ran my fingers through my hair trying to tame it. I glanced in the mirror and saw Beaus top was like a dress on me.

I slowly opened the bedroom door and slipped out into the cooler air in the corridor. I tip-toed into the bathroom to use the toilet. It was just down the corridor but I had to go past Luke and Jais room so I was extra quiet not to wake them. After I washed my hands and splashed water on my face, I creeped out of the bathroom and down to the kitchen.

"Hello, you must be Rose." A woman stood in the kitchen. She has brown hair and looked similar to the boys but older. I knew instantly this was their mother.

"Hi Mrs Brooks." I replied, she had a loverly smile and I automatically felt at home.

"Please call me Gina! Can I get you anything?"

I suddenly remembered I was only wearing her sons top. I felt embarrassed and the flush spread rapidly across my face. I needed to get out of this kitchen. Playing with the ends of my hair I replied:

"Erm, I was just coming to get some orange juice."

"Sure thing sweetie."

I smiled while she got two cups from one of the cupboards and filled them both with orange juice from the fridge. She handed them both to me.

"Beau gets grumpy when in the mornings, that should help" she grinned.

"Thanks" I returned her smile and made a hasty exit back to Beaus room.

I carefully put the two glasses down on the side I crawled back onto bed with Beau. He stirred slightly as I nosed up against him.

"Hey" I muttered into his neck.

"Morning, what time is it?" He said sounding croaky.

"Too early, your mum made us orange juice."

"You met my mum? Wow okay. Are my brothers up?"

"No, don't think so." Shit! Brothers! I'm meant to be skypeing mine right now! "Shit! Beau can I borrow your laptop? I'm meant to be on Skype to Tom and Mark."

"Yeah sure it's just down there." He said pointing to the floor.

"Thanks! So I've met all your family, fancy meting 2 of mine?"


10 minutes later we signed into Skype. I video called my brothers and they answered in a heart beat. There smiling faces beamed out of the screen at us as I sat under Beaus arm.

"Hey guys! This is Beau, the one I told you about."

"Oh look Tom! It's the Diva!" Mark laughed.

"Mark!" I scolded.

"Are you two still in bed?" Tom questioned. Before I had a chance to answer Beau confirmed.

"Yeah, that's my fault! I took Rose out last night and we got back late" he squeezed me in close and slid his hand up my inner thigh, this was of course out of view of the camera. I coughed with surprise which only made him move it up higher, and he started drawing patterns with his index finger on the top of my inner thigh. I melt. Literally melt.

"Ohhhh Rose-bud has a Boyfriend" Mark teased.

"Shut up Mark! It's not like that!"

"Isn't it?" Beau looked down at me. Retracting his hand swiftly.

"Awkkkwwwaarrrdddd" the twins said in unison.

"Beau not now. We'll talk about this later." Realising I'd hurt his feelings I stretched up and kissed him briefly.

"Look Rose we gotta go bed its so late here! Speak soon!" Mark chimed in.

"Alright guys speak soon! Love you both!"

"Love you Rose!" They said in unison again.

"Nice meeting you at last Beau!" Mark said.

"You too!" Beau said with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. I signed out and put the laptop back on the floor. Beau was still silent.

"Beau about what I said.. I didn't mean it."

"I know exactly what you meant." He said monotone. "I'm just a guy who fucked you. It's fine."

"No Beau you don't and no your not! I meant what I said last night! But we hadn't talked about it that's all!"

"Well lets speak about it now." He said turning to me and his eyes soften. "Rose, I love you, and I want you to be mine! These past few days with you have been crazy but amazing! I want you to be my girlfriend!" He looked into my eyes doing that thing where he looked right into my soul. For a moment I couldn't speak, I was completely over whelmed. Grabbing him in for a hug I replied as a tear of happiness brimmed over my eyes.

"Of course I will be! I love you too!"


Hey so I don't normally do authors notes as they annoy me when reading other Fanfictions on here so I'll keep it short and sweet.

Thanks for taking the time to read this means a lot! I hope you like it all! Let me know if you are liking it by voting or commenting means a lot as this is the first time of posting a Fanfiction online.... Also let me know of your not liking it but tell me why so I understand!

Next chapter should be up tomorrow but I do have the janoskians concert to go to so I'm pumped! So don't kill me if its not up till Monday!

Love you's all! Xxx

A Fresh Start - Janoskians Fan Fiction (Beau Brooks) COMPLETED WITH SEQUEL!Where stories live. Discover now