Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter fourteen.

I was woken by Beau gently kissing my neck. I could not imagine a better wake up call. I yawned really loudly, feeling so refreshed after our long sleep.

"What time is it?"

"It's 8:30, everyone's leaving at 10 so I thought I ought to wake you." Beau said before gently pulling me onto my side so I was facing him and he kissed me with raw passion. Oh I love this boy!

"What was that for?"

"For good luck!"

"For what?" I asked confused.

"Your performance tonight."

"Oh right. Thanks babe!"

I reluctantly got up and showered. I slipped on my new turquoise dress and straightened my hair for a change. Beau put on a grey suit with a tie that matched my dress. While putting in my ear rings it occurred to me.

"You still haven't met my sister!"

"No. Why wasn't she there yesterday?"

"She had to look after the baby, she didn't want to ruin Erin's new routine of feeding times or something" I laughed, I have no clue why she got tied down so young. Shes late 20's and has a kid and a husband and a mortgage. Me? I'm gonna travel, visit every continent. Once I've done that I'll go back and do it all twice. Standing up from the dresser I turned around and announced;

"I'm ready!" Beau turned around and looked me up and down before walking over to me and kissing me far to briefly.

"Stunning babe!"

"Fit for a godmother to wear?" I giggled at him.

"FIT indeed!"

* * *

Down in the lobby we were greeted by the rest of my family. We shared a car to the church with my mother and grandad. The service went great, I did my little part perfectly and am now the official godmother to Erin Rose Whitehall. And yes her middle is after me! Eek!

At the after party I finally introduced Beau to Ella, my sister.

"El's! This is Beau!" I said happy to be speaking to my sister face to face again. She gave me Erin to hold while she gave Beau a proper hug.

"Nice to finally meet you! This is my husband Kevin."

"Hi." Beau shock his hand before he rushed off to greet some more of his family.

"Rose are you alright with her for a while? I need to go check that aunty Helen doesn't get served at the bar. We know what she's like!" We all laughed.

"Sure we'll be sitting down somewhere." I replied to her as me and Beau went to look for a seat.

I had been playing with Erin for about 15 minutes now and Ella still hadn't come back. I was gently lifting Erin up in the air and back down to my eye level so I could blow a raspberry on her checks or nose, then I'd raise her back up again. This was the game we always played.

"Your really good with kids." Beau stated, with a warm smile breaking across his face. "Do you ever want to have them?" He added.

"Erm... Yeah I love kids, but I want to travel and see the world first." I answered, resting Erin in my arms during a break from our game. "Do you?" I returned the question.

"I haven't really thought about it. I definitely don't want them within the next few years, but I wouldn't rule it out." He said.

The time had come. The speeches where ending and I was getting more and more nervous. My sister stood up.

"And everyone, Erin's godmother, my beautiful sister Rose is going to sing us two songs." I got up and every one applauded. I walked up on to the stage and took the mic from Ella. The lights shining down on me meant I couldn't see the big audience in front of me which was good I suppose. I smiled at Kevin who was working the sound system as a way of saying go.

"This song is for Erin."

'Isn't is she loverly." Went off without a hitch, and everyone seemed to love it. Phew I was half way through. "Erm, this next song is dedicated to the person we lost a few years ago. He's happy now and at peace."

At the end of my second song my sister was crying, I walked over to her and we hugged. She sobbed into my shoulder "thank you" I think it's all she could say at that point. Returning to my seat Beau kissed me and told me I did great. I was just glad it was over.

* * *

I cryed into my brothers shoulders when they dropped us back off at the airport on saturday. It had been such a great week. Beau did amazing with all my family and even my grandad warmed to him at the end. And I loved seeing everyone again. I didn't want to say goodbye, I loved my brothers so much I didn't want to let go of them. Beau hug Tom goodbye while Mark hugged me tight. We then swapped over and Mark hugged Beau while Tom cuddled me.

"I love you both!" I stuttered out between my tears.

"We'll see you at Christmas sis!" Mark said pulling away from me.

"Take care of her Beau" Tom said emtionally.

"Always" Beau said putting his arm over my shoulder and giving me a gentle squeeze. And we turned and walked away from my brothers and into the departure lounge. I looked back just as we turned the corner and saw Mark sobbing into Toms shoulder.

* * *

After a horrible flight we arrived back in Melbourne, only to get told by security that there was a large group of girls waiting for us. Apparently one of the magazines had found out about our trip to London. Great. I sighed and walked into the arrivals to the sound of screaming girls. After about an hour of photographs and signing things Beau took me home. He dropped me back at Sarah's but couldn't stay as he wanted to see his mum and brothers.

A Fresh Start - Janoskians Fan Fiction (Beau Brooks) COMPLETED WITH SEQUEL!Where stories live. Discover now