Chapter Eleven

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Chapter eleven.

It was now half 10. Me and Beau were in bed. I was in only his top he wore today and he was in his Union Jack boxers. I was lying in his arms and since neither of us were tired we were just chatting.

"Seems fitting that your wearing Union Jack boxers while lying next to your English girlfriend." I sniggered.

"Yeah, your right." He laughed.

"In 3 weeks I'm going back."

"What?" He was so alarmed.

"Only for a week. Calm down! It's for baby Erin's christening."

"Oh okay, a weeks a long time." His voice was almost a whisper.

"Well you could come with me?" I asked. There was a moments silence which seemed to only be getting longer. "I understand if you don't want to. You'd be meeting all my crazy family, and its a long way to go for just a week and I'm sure you'll have stuff to do and your brothers will need you and you'll"

"I'd love to come." Interrupted my nervous rambling.

"Really? You don't have to!"

"No, I want to" he smiled and kissed the end of my nose.

* * *

Over the next two and a half weeks We got into the habit of seeing each other every other day at least. Beau often came to my work either for lunch or to pick me up at the end of the day. I was so happy, he was everything I've ever wanted and more. I asked Beau to not tell his fans about our relationship, just because I didn't want to become then token English girl on a famous kids arm. He understood and it was going so well until I was doing a bit of of shopping in the local shops to my work before he picked me up.

I walked past the magazine racks, I was getting some for our long haul flight in a few days. I had to do a double take when I saw 4 of the magazines aimed at teenagers had the same picture of there front cover. I was horrified! The picture was of me and Beau. We were kissing up against his car in the parking lot to the clinic that I work at. I picked up one ad flicked to the article about us. I scanned through it;

"No one knows who this mystery brunette is but fans across Australia will be crying themselves to sleep tonight knowing that the oldest of The Janoskians is now taken. Or is he? With everyone involve with The Janoskians just saying no comment, for all we know this girl is just someone who got lucky at there favourite club."

Shit! I brought the magazine and left the shop as fast as possible. I almost ran on my way back to the car park of the clinic, where Beau was leaning up against his car dazzling me with his smile. I walked up to him and he went in to kiss me but I turned my head so he only got my cheek.

"What's wrong?" He asked concerned.

"Look." I said handing him the magazine. He looked at it for only a second before running his hand through his hair and looked around as if looking for more paparazzi now.

"Fuck, I'm sorry babe. I dunno what to say."

"How about saying you'll take me somewhere I can kiss my boyfriend without having to worry who's watching?"

"Sounds like a plan."

* * *

Later that night me and Beau talked about it all and he wanted to just come clean on twitter but I still didn't want people knowing. We agreed to leave it for the time being and talk about it tomorrow. We were in his cosy double bed, it was about midnight and he was asleep but I couldn't. I was to worried about the magazine. I slid out I bed and went to get a cold drink.

Gina was already in the kitchen, she clearly hadn't even gone to bed yet. Over the past few weeks me and Gina had become friends, we got on really well which was really nice.

"Hey" I greeted her.

"Hey sweetie, orange juice?"

"Yes please!" She got up and poured me a glass as she already had the cartoon out and was already having a glass herself.

"What were you and Beau arguing about earlier?" She said with caution.

"We weren't really arguing, it's just, erm, he wants to tell everyone on twitter about our relationship."

"Wow, what brought that on?" She asked handing me the glass of juice.

"Pictures of us together in the magazines. I get that he's always honest to his fans and stuff but I dunno, I don't want to be hated by fans or labeled as a type of wag." I paused taking a sip of the cool liquid.

"Sweetie, I understand what you mean but The janoskians fans are such a great group of girls, they'll take you under there wing I imagine. And, as a mother, Beau has been so happy these past few weeks, it's obvious how crazy he is about you, maybe he just wants to show you off cause he's proud." With that she gulped the last of her juice and placed her empty glass in the sink.

"Right, sweetie I'm off to bed, don't say up to late!" She hugged me from behind ad kissed the top of my head.

"Night Gina, and thank you!"

"Don't worry about it sweetie, everything will work out." Before turning around and walking down the hall to her room.

Maybe she was right, I love Beau and if he loves me then why should I care what others will think. With the decision made, I drank the rest of my juice as fast as possible and put my cup in the sink. Half running back to bed I crawled in to bed and deliberately woke up Beau.

"What's the matter?" He asked his voice wobbley in his sleepy state.

"I want you to make our relationship public..." I said smiling at him.

"What?" He said not believing what I just announced.

"I love you Beau Peter Brooks and I want people to know it!"

* * *

The next morning Beau tweeted about us, coming clean to all his fans. It was really cute. I found it amusing how fast my followers went up after he tweeted. We also did what's called a keek. I literally had never heard of it before but the response we got was generally positive, and I was so glad. By now all my family knew about us but when the twins saw Beaus tweet they tweeted me about it... Which Beau and Luke both retweeted.... It wouldn't be so bad if they hadn't called me "Rose-bud" in it.

However happy I was with it all, there was one thing I still hadn't told Beau. For no other reason than pure embarrassment. I know that sounds stupid but this some thing only my family know about me. But in a few days Beau would find out anyway. I decided to tell him later, definitely before we leave for London on Sunday.

A Fresh Start - Janoskians Fan Fiction (Beau Brooks) COMPLETED WITH SEQUEL!Where stories live. Discover now