Chapter 4: It Can FLY

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Lifted into the air the boys opened the doors and saw the wheels had now become jets and the boys flew around for a bit then landed in a field. Harrison turned to Jack and said they needed to make a name for the car and needed to be a team. Jack suggested the car be called 'The Time Paradox' and they call themselves the time travellers of the past, Harrison agreed and they flew up and raced to 100mph in no time and traveled to the year 9999. when they got there they found the planet a ball of fire and lava everywhere. They did t know what to do but a shuttle came down and told them to land on there ship where they told them how the planet was dying and all humans were told to leave Earth and go to Mars but the boys were fed up and went to the year 2025 where they found the car and off they went. But when they arrived they discovered the bridge where the bus fell off and wanted to help but Jack having seen a lot of movies with time travel said if they were seen history could change and be worse then it is now. Jack said they should land and drive normally and see if they could see what happened. The boys landed and found a police officer and asked what happened and the officer said he could not tell them. The boys drove further down the road until no one was in sight, Jack and Harrison got out and started to talk about how to find out what happened but they heard I faint noise Harrison thought it sounded like a gunshot but thought there must be a rang around, then suddenly Jack fell to the ground and Harrison ran to his aid but blood was poring from his chest and suddenly a man ran up and held a fun up and fired but the shot when into the trees and the man told Harrison to get it the car, the man jumped in the drivers side and Harrison the passenger side the car flew up and shot away out of sight in a matter of seconds. Harrison asked who the man was and he said he had no name but to call him the inventor as he invented the time machine. Harrison asked why he shot Jack and he said he didn't but he shot the one who did kill Jack, but unfortunately Jack can not be saved. Harrison said he no longer wanted to time travel as he lost his friend, the inventor said "that's why it was locked up because my wife was killed while we were running from killers" the man let Harrison out and said goodbye. Harrison then lived for twenty years alone until one day he met a girl called at a restaurant where all other tables were full, Harrison let her sit and was about to get up and leave but she said "wait a minute were you in a school bus crash in 2025?" Harrison replied "yes.... How do you know?" So she told him she was also on the bus and thought to be the only survivor but then when they counted the body's two were missing Harrison's and Jacks but the police found Jack shot on a road twenty years ago, Harrison asked for her name and she replied.

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