No way in hell

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I hope it burns. I hope Iris throws it away. I hope she assumes it's a credit card bill. I did put it in the bill's envelope. The white and pale green one made me sick.

I hope it disappears. I hope it disintegrates. I hope it was a joke. But April fools was three months ago. I wish it was a dream or just my mind playing tricks on me.

"Arg you stupid piece of crap! Why do you exist?" The point of my pencil broke and I left a tiny dent in the essay I was marking.

"Excuse me?" A deep voice asked quite coldly and my head snapped up from my desk and to the people in the doorway.

My eyes grew wide and I jumped up, which was a mistake since I wasn't wearing a sports bra and my boobs gave a slight bounce.

"Oh sorry I didn't know I was going to have company" I shot the eighteen year old a look and he winked. Ladies and gentlemen meet Daniel Hills. He was the worse student any teacher could think of. Every teacher in this school detests him -including me- but anyway.

"Sorry Miss Woods I forgot to tell you" he looked me up and down and I rolled my eyes.

"You're Miss Woods. How old are you? Eighteen?" I looked over at Daniels brother and my jaw nearly hit he floor.

Holy Shit this guy was gorgeous. He was huge. I had to look up to see his face; I was wearing heels. He had light brown hair and striking light green eyes. It was like he was staring into your soul. He was wearing an expensive looking tux. He had a frown on his face that made him ten times sexier...

"Helo? " he waved his hand on front if my face and I blinked several times.

"Yes. What?"

" I asked how old you are. You look way to young to be a teacher"

"I am twenty two and I am perfectly capable being a teacher" I said and he raised his eyebrow.

"What was your major?" He asked and took a seat in front of my desk, Daniel sat next to him and pulled out his phone.

"English. French. Spanish. Latin and literature"

"How is that possible those are like four to five year courses"

"Four years. I graduated high school at seventeen"

"Where did you study?" He asked.

"Oxford" I said and got out Daniel's file.

"I thought I heard a bit of a British accent"

"Yes, I have out grown it a bit"

"So you're Daniel's French teacher?"

"And his home room and English teacher. Yes."

"So I heard. And I heard that you've been giving him some trouble"

"Excuse me? He's the one giving me trouble" I said calmly.

"Nope you're the one giving detentions left, right and centre"

"Mr Hills may I remind you that your brother is the one making rude comments, curses, never does his homework, never listens and makes my job so much more difficult?"

"He's a boy we were all like that in high school"

"True, but I'd appreciate it if he just tunes down a knot or two " I gritted out.

"And he'd appreciate it if you'd not wear your strip club attire" he said back coldly.

"Hey shut up what she wears suites me just fine" Once again Daniel winked at me. Why did I apply to an all boys school? I was regretting it.

"Strip club attire?!" I snapped.

"Yup, your jeans are tight and your shirt is revealing" he pointed out my flaws.

"My attire is perfectly fine! I have not received any complaints from other teachers and parents"

"Miss Woods, chill, my brother is only twisting your panties" Daniel smirked.

"Bro from the jeans she's wearing I can tell she isn't wearing panties" Daniel's brother flashed me a cocky smirk and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"My undergarments has nothing to do with you. But if it'll please you I'll change my wardrobe" I hissed and Daniel frowned.

"That would suit me just fine" his brother smiled smugly.

"Doesn't suit me" Daniel muttered

"Now if you don't mind get out" I pointed to the door. I started packing away my things, assuming they had left.

"Daniel come on! I have places to be!" I heard his brother from outside my classroom.

"Shut the fuck up Isaac!" Daniel yelled and I groaned.

"Daniel what are you still doing here?" I asked as I swung my handbag over my shoulder and picked up the pile of papers and books.

"I just wanted to say that you don't have to change your wardrobe" he winked and checked me out again....This child's hormones.

"Daniel it's against the law to have a teacher-student relationship."

"So if what I'm hearing if you weren't my teacher you'd sleep with me?" He wriggled his eyebrows.

"Daniel Hills! I am too old for you!" I said shocked.

"Four years isn't that big of a difference" he objected.

"Can you just please go and leave me in piece. It's Friday for heaven's sake"

"Nah my booty call cancelled on me so I have nothing to do" he shrugged as we walked out the class.

"I am going to pretend I did not hear that" I muttered and locked my classroom door.

"That looks heavy" a voice said behind me and I turned. Isaac as I suspect eye's snapped up to my face as I turned. He was looking at my ass wasn't he? I must say that I was gifted with a great ass and a great pair of boobs.

"It is" I said thinking he'd take the load from me, but he just smiled.

"Enjoy that. Come Dan I have a meeting" he walked off and I stared after him. The nerve...

I got home tired and my arms burning. I dropped my marking work on the dining table and hung my handbag on the wall.

"Iris I'm home!" I called out.

"There's a letter on the counter for you!" She yelled back. I walked into the kitchen and picked up an identical green and white envelope. Arg....was really holding these were just a ad dream.

Dear Alice....

I was hoping that you'd make me the happiest girl ever (even though I am pretty ecstatic at the moment) and be my.....

I stared at the words in utter disbelief. How dare she?! How..

"AHHHH!!!!!" I yelled and kicked the island. I threw the letter onto the floor and nearly spat on it.....

No way in hell!


So there it is....another story. Sorry I have a lot. Anyway I hope you enjoyed far.

Alice at the top.

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