I am a mistake. A terrible mistake.

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I was caught red handed when I tried sneaking back into the hotel room. Iris who was completely sober was not impressed.

"Hi Alice" she said and my shoulders dropped. I put down my heels and joined her on the sofa.

"Hi Iris"


"Isaac called at the club saying Cody wanted to see me. So I brought everyone back and went to see him. He was drunk of his ass and then proclaimed his love to me. I told him he was drunk and just saying things. He then began yelling when I told him I loved someone else. He left when I eventually told him it was Isaac. Then Isaac told me he loved me and things got heated and we ended up doing it." I breathed out and she was a bit quiet for a second.

"Okay go to bed we have five hours till the wedding and you don't want to over sleep." she got up and dissapeared into the room. I followed and crawled under the covers in the clothes I borrowed by Isaac.


I woke just as Iris came out of the shower.

"Hi again"

"He better not hurt you" she said and I grinned.

"He won't"

"Okay we have three hours. So go shower." I did as told.

We rushed into the room where Payton was waiting. Strangely enough she wasn't shouting and screaming at people as usual. She waved us over and I made my way to her unsurely. Iris placed her hand on my shoulder and I was grateful for her support.

"He was drunk Al. Don't worry" she muttered so that only I could hear her.

"Yeah. Your right. He was drunk" I agreed.

"Hi guys. So its the big day! I can't wait" Payton giggled from the dressing table. A lady was busy braiding and curling her hair. Suddenly two girls grabbed us, placed us on chairs and started doing our hair.

Luckily Payton decided on simple Dutch braids and not something to fancy.


I stood at the front doors of the church with Isaac and Iris. We were directing the guests to their seats, Isaac stood next to me. I burst out laughing at what he said and I saw Iris give a soft smile.

He stopped laughing abruptly and glared at the dark haired girl approaching us. She was pretty with big doe eyes and freckles all over her face.

"Isaac?!" She grinned and walked a bit faster towards him. He stood up straighter and I knew he didn't like her.
"Georgia" he nodded curtly.

"How are you" she said in a false voice. does she not see his glare or is she ignoring it?

"I'm fine" he was being rude and still she didn't get the hint.

"And who is this?" She glared at me and I frowned.

"I'm the maid if honour" I said and she glared at Isaac's hand in my waist.

"Are you together?" She asked.

"No" Isaac said, he's right we aren't but I was a bit hurt how he said it.

"Oh she's one of your bed buddies. You always knew how to play with girls. Go for the ones who are insecure and hurt, fix them, tell them you love them and then it's hump and dump. I'm surprised you're still talking to her. Or are you still in the fixing stage?" Georgia said and eyed me. I swallowed and stepped away from Isaac. He glanced at me but I walked off.

Does he really do that? I wondered. I heard him call my name at the same time Payton did and I rather went to Payton. I didn't want to talk to him now, not while Georgia was there.

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