I shouldn't have done that

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I sat down at the breakfast table and scooped up some fruit salad and yogurt. Iris suddenly dropper her fork in anger and I looked up at her. She glared at me and I raised a brow.

"Where the hell were you....she does not shut up. Yap. Yap. Yap. She can't shut her trap. And you left me alone with her. Alone! " Iris threw her hands in the air and I shut my eyes.

"Sorry?" I asked feebly and she just narrowed her eyes.

"I was busy...I'm sorry...I can make it up to you once we get back in New York" I shrugged. And she clenched her jaw thinking about it...

"Okay Max's family is having a gathering and I don't want to go alone...you're going with" she said and I grumbled. Awkward family gatherings is not my favourite thing on my to do list.

"Finee" I threw my napkin at her and she caught it.

"Ah Alice you're awake great...now the wedding is in a week we have much to do...." she trailed off but stopped once Isaac sat at the table next to me. She eyed him and I frowned. She's engaged but eye raping Isaac.
He looked up at her and rolled those beautiful green eyes, she frowned and turned back to me.

"Today you, Cody, Isaac and I are going to go cake tasting and pick the flowers for the tables" she said as she read her phone.

"And what about me?" Iris asked and hope danced in her eyes.

"You get to bond with the other bridesmaids and arrange my bachelorette party" I shot Iris a look and she returned a very pleased and smug one.

"Eat up Alice we gave a long day ahead of us" she stood up and left the table, to who knows where.

"Eat up Alice!" Isaac mocked and I glared at him.

"She's honestly not that bad" I said but we both knew I was lying through my teeth. Yesterday she yelled at me because my hair bun was twisted the wrong way. And she yelled at Iris because she was to tall for her dress and a new one is to be made. She blew her top when Isaac showed up three minutes late for dance class. (Class was meant for Cody. He can't dance to save his life).

Meeting Cody again after all these years was not so uncomfortable as I thought it would be.


Damn you Payton. I was cursing her in my head as I walked to the restroom to try and dry my dress. Payton had "accidentally" knocked her glass of wine onto my white dress when Isaac eye raped me. Jealous.

Just as I rounded the corner I walked into someone. I looked up into Cody's warm brown eyes. Oh good gravy his eyes. They melt me.

"Cody" I said surprised and took a step away from him.

"Alice!" He chuckled and pulled me into a bear hug.

"Hi" I breathed out and he grinned.


"Its good to see you" I smiled.

"It is. So how are you?" He asked and looked me up and down. He gave a questioning look at the wine stain.

"Payton knocked over her wine" I explained.

"She was always so clumsy. You beter get that cleaned up."

"I will thanks. I'll see you in a minute" I walked on but stopped and turned around.

"Cody" he turned and smiled. "Congrats on the engagement. ..I hope you guys are happy together" I smiled but I wanted to cry.

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