For once fate is on my side

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Two weeks, it's been two weeks since Isaac took me out for coffee and we talked. And honestly it's almost like it was before the wedding. We were much more flirty and comfortable with each other now.

He had taken me out on dates a few times and after a lot of coaxing from him and Iris I agreed to go out with him. The dates were absolutely amazing and I know I'm falling inlove again.

"Alice. Can I come in?" Iris asked softly from the other side of my door, I sighed and rolled over and off my bed. Walking over to the door I pulled on my sweater and tied my hair into a pony, I unlocked it only to find her holding a tray of coffee and warm muffins.

"I brought a peace offering?" she suggested and a small smile graced my lips.

"Let's go to the living room" I took a muffin and walked beside her.

"I'm really sorry for droppong this huge bomb on you Al. But its a big step in our relationship and it will be amazing for us. I thought you'd be happy" she murmered the last bit.

"I am! Hell Ris I'm so proud and happy for you, it's amazing. I'm just upset because I won't be able to wake you up at midnight and cry on your shoulder, I won't be able to watch scary movies with you and then we'd share a bed becuase we're both to scared to sleep alone. And you won't be there to wake me up with a fresh cup of coffee and a cheeky smile. I just don't know how I am going to cope without you here" I smiled sadly and she sucked the sides of her cheeks in, a clear sign she's flattered or upset.

"Alice I am always going to be there for those things. Always. I'm literally moving into a new place a book away. I'm always going to be there to watch scary movies or catch your tears. I don't want you to think now that Max and I are engaged and moving in together you're going to be forgotten. Yes, we both know that's what you're thinking. I also know you're a bit jealous because you feel left behind. Single, not married and all that. But don't Al you're amazing, when it's time it's time" she wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I rested my head on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry I was being selfish. I really am happy Max proposed and you're moving in with him. It was about time too." I laughed at my own silly joke and she chuckled with.

"I know right and it's okay. I'm sorry for dropping a bomb on you like this without warning"

"It's okay Ris" I smiled and she grinned at me.

"So it's four o'clock now and if I'm not mistaken, you have a date in an hour with yummy Mr.Hills" she winked and I rolled my eyes.

"You're engaged Iris! That's basically being married!" u laughed as we headed to my bedroom.

"It doesn't hurt to look" she shrugged mischievously.

"Just help me get dressed" I sighed at her antics.


I stood shivering in front of Isaac's car door. He refuses to open them and I have been standing here in the cold for ten minutes.

"Isaac Hills open this door right now!" I tapped on his window and he waved me off, he waved me off! Fine! I turned around and started walking back to the apartment building.

"Where are you going?" he shouted from the car.

"Far away from you!" I said as my feet crunched the snow, have I mentioned it was winter and it was snowing?

"Okay, okay I'm sorry! Come back"

"How about no?" I turned and watched as he got out. For a few seconds I admired him but then I was reminded that I was upset.

"Alice" he said.


"Alice" he started walking forward slowly and casually but I stood strong. He came to a stop before me and with teasing eyes he looked down on me.

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