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*Three years later*

"Hanna sit still" I scolded the two year old girl. With her big blue eyes she peeked up at me.

"Mama?" she raised her hands and I sighed but picked her up either way.

"Sit still please?" I asked her and she smiled before resting her head on my shoulder. I was currently on a plane on my way to New York. A dear old friend of mine was getting ready to pack and move to Greece.

Iris and Max both asked to be transferred to Greece, I still don't know how that is possible but yet it's happening. They asked me to come and help them pack and Iris wanted me to come and visit our old places before we both left the continent.

"Attention passengers we are due to land in five minutes, please get to your seats and buckle up" the young girl announced and people scurried around.


"Alice!" Iris called my name as I came down the escalator. I smiled and waved back, Hanna asleep on my shoulder.

"Hi!" she squealed and hugged me awkwardly, trying not to squish Hanna.

"Is this little Hanna?" she asked and I nodded. Hanna woke and slowly lifted her and looked at Iris.

"Hi, Hanna I'm Aunty Iris" Iris wiggled her fingers in front of Hanna who giggled and gave her a grin.

"She's so cute! She's beautiful" she smiled and grabbed my bag.

"Where's Max?" I asked.

"He's waiting in the car, Lucas was being difficult" she sighed and we started walking back. Lucas was their eight month old baby boy. Iris and Max got married seven months after I moved to Greece. I was of course invited as the maid if honor and I got on the plane as soon as I opened the letter.
"So, how's the hotel and the café?" Iris asked as we grabbed a quick coffee.

"Its great, business is great and I love it" I hitched Hanna further up my hip and she grabbed my braid.

"I'm glad. I'm really excited to go. I still can't believe it's really happening" she sighed and I nodded.

"Yeah, life is great"

"Alice" Max smiled and gave me a hug.

"Hey Max" I smiled and he wiggled his brows.

"Still as beautiful as always and who is this beautiful little girl?" he asked and Hanna hid her face in my neck.

"Max this is Hanna. Hanna say hello to Uncle Max"

"Hello" she smiled and her dimples came out.

"She's beautiful Alice, well she has a beautiful mother" she winked and I smiled.

"So where is Lucas?" I asked and Max pointed at the baby seat at the back. Inside lay a dark haired little boy kicking hus tiny legs.

"He's adorable! Hi Lucas" I waved at him and he gurgled.

"He's a handful" Max sighed and I grinned.

"Let's get going" Max said and he took my bags.



Iris and I were eating lunch in our favorite restaurant. It has been four days and tomorrow we leave again. I can't believe tomorrow is the last day I'd ever see America, because if I leave tomorrow there is nothing left for me here.

"Alice I'm quickly going to the loo, Lucas puked" Iris said and brought me back to Earth.

"Yeah sure, need any help?" I asked and she shool her head no.

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