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I bit my thumb as I watched Dean get punched. After dinner I decided to catch up on watching Supernatural. "Are you kidding me!?" I shouted angrily as my iPhone crashed for the umpteenth time tonight. "What's all the yelling about?" Zayn asked poking his head around the corner. "My iPhone crashed when I was in the middle of Supernatural." I said. "Netflix?" Zayn asked and I nodded. "We have it on the tv if you want to use it." Zayn said politely. "Thanks." I mumbled before grabbing the remote and using their app center. Talk about a fancy tv. I searched up Supernatural and went to season 4. "Are you watching Supernatural?" I heard Niall ask from the kitchen. "You know it Horan." I said. I felt Niall plop down beside me as he began watching too.

There's a reason why Niall and I are best friends and that's because we can quote Supernatural together. "Bitch." I muttered. "Jerk!" Niall shouted back before bursting out laughing. "Oh this is why I love you Ni." I said. "Truer words never spoken." Niall said agreeing with me. Soon even Zayn joined us, until there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Zayn said quietly before scooting off the couch. I heard the door open then shut, and Zayn returned. I felt the presence of another person, so I glanced up from the tv to see April standing there. "Hey April." I said before looking back at the tv.

I heard her scoff and my whole idea of being the bigger person kind of flew out the window. Nevertheless she sat on the couch and watched the show with us. "Zayn can I stay the night babe?" April asked. My eyes widened as I remembered my suitcase was in his room. I hopped up and walked down the hall making sure to grab it and chuck it in Niall's room before returning. I'm guessing he said yes because I watched as they sauntered off into his room. "Do you want to sleep in my room tonight?" Niall asked. "No, I'll be fine with the couch." I said rummaging through the hall closet to find a blanket. "Suit yourself." Niall said letting out a yawn and walking towards his room.

I laid down making sure every light was off because I wouldn't be able to sleep any other way. A few moments passed of me trying to get to sleep, but nothing happened. Maybe it was the sudden uncomfortableness of the couch or the loud moans echoing from Zayn's room, but either way there was a pit in my stomach. I felt bad for Niall, he probably had to deal with this a lot. I rolled on to my side and put the pillow over my head trying to block out the noise. It must have worked because when I woke up the sun wasn't even out. I checked the time and it was only six thirty. I wrapped the blanket around me and made my way on to their back porch, sitting in one of their patio chairs. I hated being up this early but I knew I probably wouldn't be able to get back to sleep. For a moment my life felt a little bit peaceful as I watched the sun rise over the trees in their backyard.

I shrugged out of the blanket as the sun began warming up my body. I tip toed back in the house and into Niall's room, to search for my sketchbook. I managed to get it and find a pencil before heading back outside. I began drawing what I craved for most at the moment. I began to draw a messy haired boy, holding a messy haired girl laying and holding each other. "That's really pretty." I heard someone say during the middle of the girls face. "Thanks." I mumbled quietly, concentrating. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket signaling that it was time for me to head to work. I got up and clutched my sketchbook close to my chest before going and placing it back in my suitcase. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top before going to change. I tried making it through the house without waking anyone but alas when I walked into the living room, Zayn was there. "I thought I'd give you a ride to work." He said stifling a yawn.

"Um alright." I said quietly. The car ride was painfully awkward as he tried to keep making conversation. I just kept saying one word answers cutting off any other conversation that could be made off of my answer. "Thanks for the ride." I said once I got out of the car, he didn't even look at me before he drove off.

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