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I found it difficult to say anything and soon I'm pretty sure Zayn fell asleep with his head in the crook of my neck. I found it also very difficult to get to sleep. I shut my eyes and let the sound of his steady breathing help me get to sleep. When I woke up Zayn wasn't there and I got a little confused and slid out of bed. "Ni where's Zayn?" I asked once I figured out Niall was in the kitchen. "He went out with April for their one year anniversary." Niall said. My heart dropped, "Hey Ni, you're going to help me apartment shop today right?" I asked. "Yeah, let me get dressed and finished drinking my coffee and we can go." Niall said. I went back and got changed myself. Niall and I have already picked out a few apartments to look at and I was really ecstatic. We stopped at the first one, but never got out because it was in a really shady part of town. The second one was by far my favorite. It was one of those cute little apartments that I would want to share with my boyfriend and we would make breakfast together and share kisses. So pretty much I wanted to share it with Zayn, but that doesn't seem like it's happening anytime soon or at all. "I want this one. It's close to work and to you, so you can come over whenever." I said to Niall. "Are you sure? It's a little small." Niall said. "But it's absolutely perfect." I sighed. The house was actually really cheap and it already came furnished. "When will I be able to move in?" I asked the owner. "In about two weeks we need to get everything cleaned and fixed up for you. If we get it done sooner we'll let you know." she said giving me a smile.

"Thank you so much I really appreciate it." I said returning the smile before climbing in the car with Niall. "You know I'm going to miss having you around." Niall said as he began driving towards his house. "Oh please you have Zayn and April to keep you company. Oh and your new girlfriend Brittany." I said hitting him playfully. "But you're my best friend how will I ever live without you?" Niall asked while pouting. "Ni, I love you with all my heart, but honestly I need to get out of that house as soon as possible." I said sadly. "Why? Did something happen?" Niall asked. "Nothing important." I mumbled. Niall stopped the car in the middle of the road. "Tell me now or you're going to have to walk home." Niall said. "Are you kidding me?" I asked. Niall gave me a look showing that he wasn't kidding at all. Well shit. "Niall promise you won't be mad." I said quickly. "Promise." Niall said looking at me with worry. "Zayn kissed me." I said quietly. "He what!?" Niall said excitedly. Excited, that was not something I expected to come from him. "I'm so happy for you!" Niall said as he began driving again. "Well that makes one of us." I said. "You don't seem so excited about it though." Niall said finally noticing my mood. "He's off with April how can I not be a little mad about that? She's fucking cheating on him and he's still with her!" I yelled causing Niall to wince. "Sorry." I mumbled. "He has been with her for a year." Niall said. "Niall you're not helping." I said while hitting my head against the window. "He has mixed feelings and I know this isn't what you want to hear right now, but I think he's going to stay with April until he figures out what he's feeling." Niall said softly. "I don't even know why I get my hopes up sometimes." I said softly.

I got out of the car because we have been parked for sometime and began my walk into the house. I heard moans coming from Zayn's room and I immediately walked outside again before Niall could even ask me where I was going I bolted off to the right. I needed to get away from all of this. Why couldn't I have fallen in love with someone who wasn't in a relationship? Better question here. Why didn't he believe me? I found myself walking into my work. "Diana are you here!?" I shouted as I walked through the dimly lit cosmetic store. "Who are you?" A deep voice asked which belonged to a fairly tall guy with a small Mohawk. "I should ask the same." I said while looking over the guy. He looked about the same age as Niall, maybe younger. "I work for Diana and my roommate who I am actually madly in love with is currently fucking his girlfriend." I said. His eyes widened at what I just told him. What? I needed to get that off my chest. "I'm Diana's son she asked me to watch the shop since someone broke in a couple of nights ago." He said. "Really? Someone wanted to steal cosmetics?" I asked chuckling slightly. "You'd be surprised." The guys said adding his own laughter. "I'm Liam by the way." He said. "Lindsey." I said cracking a smile. "So why don't you tell this roommate of yours that you love him?" Liam asked suddenly as I sat down. "It's kind of complicated." I said quietly. "I've been told I'm a great listener." Liam said sitting down next to me. "Well my roommate is my sisters boyfriend. He kissed me last night and I got my hopes up only to be shot down." I said. "Now the only reason he kissed me is because I told him my sister was cheating on him. Which she is, but this morning he just acted like nothing ever happened and went on a date with her. I've never felt more stupid or worthless in my life. Even my best friend said that he would choose her over me." I said as a couple of tears fell from my eyes.

"That's terrible." Liam mumbled before hugging me. "It hurt a lot, but I'm moving out soon just because I need to get away." I said. "Well hey if you ever need a new roommate." Liam said nudging me playfully. I smiled at him. "Thank you for listening to my problems." I said quietly. "Hey you need to return the favor I have quite a few problems of my own." He said playfully, but something told me he was serious. "Alright I'm listening." I said my eyes boring into his. His happy mood dropped suddenly "My mum is actually letting me live here until I can find a house. See I wasn't always homeless I lived with my girlfriend, but we broke up recently. I couldn't bare to live in that house where so much memories were made. I was going to marry her I was sure of it. She cheated on me with my best mate and it hurt. It hurt so much." Liam said. I felt for him even though I've never been in the situation we both had our hearts broken. "Liam if you want you can stay with me when I move." I offered. "It's kind of tiny, but there's still a guest bedroom." I said quietly to the shaking guy in front of me. "I couldn't let you do that." Liam said softly. "I insist. In two weeks we'll have our own apartment." I said giving him a small smile. "Will you stay with me tonight?" Liam asked. I thought about it. I did have work tomorrow and I would already be here. I literally just offered to share my dream home with this guy. "Why not?" I said and he smiled. Liam and I told stories 'till we passed out. "Aw would you look at that." Someone cooed. My eyes fluttered open to meet Diana's green ones. "I see you met Liam." She said. "Yeah nice lad." I croaked out. "I would hope so. I imagined I raised him with some manners." She said. "Why were you here with him?" She asked. "I stopped by to see if you were here and met him. We talked for awhile before falling asleep." I said. "Trouble in paradise?" She asked. "Understatement." I scoffed.

"I'm sorry dear you're always welcome to stay here." She said. "Nah that's okay I'm getting my own apartment soon with Liam over here." I said. "You offered him a house?!" She asked happily. "It was the least I could do. I feel as if I'm in the same situation as him." I said. "You're amazing." Diana said before giving me a hug.


I yawned as I looked over at April. She looked so cute while she was sleeping. That kiss with Lindsey was a mistake and it never should have happened. I asked April yesterday if she was cheating on me she said no and I trust her. I stretched before climbing out of my bed carefully trying not to wake April. I entered the kitchen to see Niall looking worriedly at his phone. "What's wrong Ni? Brittany not answer your text." I said teasingly as I grabbed a cup out of the cupboard. "This is all your fault." Niall mumbled. "What?" I asked. What did I even do? "You had to fucking kiss her! You messed with her so much more than you'll ever understand." Niall spat at me. "Niall what are you talking about?" I asked becoming worried. "Lindsey never came home last night because she heard you fucking April. You don't understand how scared I am. She has feelings Zayn, so next time you decided to mess with them I'll be there to beat your ass." Niall threatened. I scoffed "You think I care about Lindsey? I have April that kiss was a mistake it never should have happened." I said. "You're a piece if shit." Niall said before leaving the kitchen. As soon as he left I felt my heart drop. Did I really make Lindsey not want to come home? Did she really leave because of me?

~*~ (Niall's POV) 

I was so worried. She hasn't returned any of my texts or calls. Part of this was my fault I understand, but most of it was Zayn's. How could he be so oblivious to the fact that this girl is madly in love with him? I threw on a tank top and grabbed one of my many snapbacks before getting in my Range Rover. Maybe she was at work? I drove to her work and quickly climbed out. "Hey is Lindsey here?" I asked Diana eagerly. She shook her head no. "Can you tell me where she is?" I asked. "I wish I could, but I think she needs some alone time now." She said giving me a sad smile. I sighed in defeat before going back to my car. I dialed Brittany's number and invited her over because I really needed someone to talk to about this. I pulled in the drive as soon as she did and I gave her a quick peck on the lips. We spent hours talking about the situation and she gave me the same advice as Diana. Maybe she just needed some space. I felt my phone buzz and I picked it up. ' I'm okay. I'm staying with a friend and I'm coming by tomorrow to pick up my stuff. The house is ready it's actually really exciting. Love you Ni. Tell Britt I say Hi - Linds xx'


Hey guys! I'm back. I feel bad that the chapters are really short, so heres a longer one. I will also be making the chapters longer too! Or at least trying. Thank you if you're still with this story! I will upload the next chapter as soon as its done!

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