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Liam had taken me out for lunch and it was nice. We could talk for hours kind of like how Niall and I could. When we got back to the shop Diana informed me that Niall stopped by asking if he knew where I was. I texted him quickly letting him know I was okay and that I was going to be moving out by tomorrow. The owner called me and told me that everything was finished already and I couldn't have been more excited. "Liam do you have any stuff you want to drop off at the house?" I asked. "Nah I don't really." he said shrugging his shoulders. "Will you come with me to pick up my stuff? I don't want to go alone." I said. I sounded pathetic maybe its better if I go alone. "I'm sorry I can't, I have a meeting with my manager." Liam said. He sounded excited, now I kind of felt bad for asking. "Manager?" I questioned. "I know I just promised to move in with you, but my manager called me earlier today and I'm going on tour!" Liam squealed. "Tour? What do you do?" I asked. "I sing and apparently pretty well. I'm so excited." Liam said happily. "I'm so happy for you!" I said before hugging Liam. "I'm sorry I can;t be there." he said. "No Liam it's fine. I'm going to miss you." I said sadly. "And I you, but you better not give my room away to anyone while I'm gone." He said playfully. "Wouldn't dream of it." I said while rolling my eyes. "I'll see ya later I gotta go." Liam said giving me a quick hug. "Bye." I said giving him a small wave before turning on my heel and beginning my walk towards Niall's. The walk was shorter than I wanted it to be and before I knew it I was on the doorstep of the house. The lights were all out. Maybe they aren't home? I knocked and soon a very distressed looking Niall opened the door.

"Linds." Niall said his voice cracking. "Are you okay Ni?" I asked. Did Brittany break up with him? "I was so scared." he said grabbing my arm and jerking me towards him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and I returned the gesture. I felt guilty, I keep making bad decisions. "Ni, I'm sorry." I said my own voice cracking. "Just come on, we're going to have one last party before you leave." he said a small smile playing on his lips. Before I could even protest he dragged me in the house. "Moving out party!" Niall shouted causing Zayn and April who were on the couch to jump. I snickered at April's scowl before Niall grabbed the remote and turned off whatever they were watching. "Niall what the fuck?" Zayn asked getting angry at the prancing Irishman. Niall just hummed before taking out his iPhone and plugging it into their iHome. A song that I really didn't know began blaring causing Zayn to glare at us. Niall danced his way over to me before grabbing my hand and spinning me around. It was about two songs in when Zayn stopped the music. "What the fuck are you two doing!?" Zayn shouted, getting a little red. Niall put on his innocent face "Lindsey is moving out tomorrow thanks to someone." Niall said glaring at Zayn before continuing. "And what's moving without a party?" Niall asked winking at me. Zayn's features softened when he heard I was moving out because of him. "You're leaving?" Zayn asked sounding like a kid who's puppy just got stolen. "Uh yeah I finally got enough money." I said awkwardly. "Is it because of me?" he asked quietly. I nodded and he slumped his shoulders. "Great now I won't have to see you anymore." April sneered. "At least the feeling is mutual." I mumbled.

April scoffed before taking my arm and dragging me into the kitchen. "Are you the one who told Zayn I was cheating?" April asked. "Uh, yeah he deserves to know." I said with just as much fire. "No, he  doesn't okay?" she growled. I could not believe her. How was she my parents favorite? "Can I talk to you?" Zayn asked. I shrugged my shoulders and he took it as a cue to talk. "Look the kiss didn't mean anything right?" Zayn asked. I sighed here goes nothing. I'm finally going to do it, I'm going to tell him how I feel. "Maybe not to you, but it meant a lot to me. Even if it's the only kiss I get from you it meant so much." I muttered before kissing his scruffy cheek. "I'll see you soon Zayn." I said as I traveled quickly to his room and collected my pre-packed suitcase. "Bye Niall thank you so much for everything." I said hugging him. "Even though you only moved in two weeks ago I'm going to miss you like crazy." Niall said returning the hug. "April I'm sorry for being a shitty sister to you. It's just how I normally act. Have fun living off of Zayn's and dad's money." I said. "Zayn I already said everything I needed to say to you, so bye!" I said. I was really going to miss Niall and it felt good knowing I had my feelings for Zayn off my chest. I felt like I was leaving my past except for Niall of course and entering a whole new life. I walked back to my work where I was once again residing for the night. Liam was already here and might I add he looks amazing shirtless. "So howd the meeting go?" I asked which surprised Liam. "Sorry." I said in between my laughter while Liam shot me a playful glare. "It actually went well." he said his eyes sparkling. "When are you leaving?" I asked.

"Next week, so I still get to check out the new house with you." Liam said happily. "I promise it'll be the best week ever." I said. "I'm looking forward to it." Liam said. We spent the rest of the night talking about all the places he was going and I told him how I aspired to become a writer in high school, but I never pursued the dream. When I woke up I was ecstatic, I woke up Liam and we were on our way to the new house. Liam and I made it to the new house and got everything settled in. As celebration Liam bought Mcdonald's breakfast for the both of us. I smiled at my new home, so many new memories are going to be made.


My heart seemed to break when Lindsey told me she was leaving because of me. I didn't do anything to stop her though. I could've swept her off her feet and given her the best kiss of her life right there, but I didn't. How was I supposed to know she liked me? I'm so fucking confused. I knew I would probably never see her again unless I visited her at work or found out where she lived again. I was pacing around my room when my phone went off, I looked at the caller i.d. and it was one of the people I did not want to talk to right now. I turned my phone off and sat on the edge of my bed when something clicked. "Niall!"


I heard a knock on the door and let out an excited squeal. I was really pigging out today and so was Liam. I grabbed my money in hopes of it being the pizza guy, but when the door swung open itself I knew it wasn't the pizza guy. I was scared to go see who it was, but I didn't really have to go anywhere because they stopped in the kitchen. Before I could let anything out of my mouth I felt lips on mine and I kissed back. Oh why did I kiss back?


Ooh can anybody guess who it is? It's not hard tbh. I'm hoping this is at least two pages. Love you guys! It's really hard to spellcheck this when it keeps saying Zayn's name is spelled wrong -.-

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