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When I woke up, I almost screamed. Zayn was inches away from my face and his arms were wrapped around my waist. I squirmed trying to get out of his grasp. "April stop moving." He whined. If my heart wasn't already in tiny pieces then it was now. He didn't even know who he was sleeping with. "Zayn let go of me please." I said and once he heard my voice he immediately let go. "Sorry Linds." He said and I smiled. He used my nickname. "Do you have work today?" Zayn mumbled. "No." I said happily. "Well.." He said softly before grabbing my waist and pulling me back into him. "Let's go back to sleep." He said nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck. His breath was tickling my neck and I couldn't help but giggle. Something in my mind clicked and I began to squirm again. "Please let me go." I begged. "Mm, not until you talk to me." He muttered. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I want to get to know you better!" Zayn said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Fine." I sighed scooting more into his arms. If we were going I do this I was going to enjoy it. "What's your middle name?" He asked. Well that's odd, "It's Michelle." I said. "Why don't you like talking to me?" He asked. "I feel like April would slit my throat if I tried to talk to you so I never have." I said. "Why's that?" He asked. "Well this one time when I was in tenth and she was a senior, she really liked this other senior and invited him over to our house. Well it turns out he liked me and by the end of the night I got called a fat ugly whore." I said. "So, we made a deal that neither of us would try and get in the way of each others relationships, but I never actually did get in the way of their relationship so I don't understand why we made that deal." I said chuckling nervously. "You ramble a lot." He said.

"April does know I love her right?" He asked after awhile. "Which explains why you're spooning with her sister." I mumbled, but apparently Zayn heard me and let go of my waist. I scooted away from him a little bit. "I just want you to know she loves you too." I said before walking out if his room.


I watched her leave before burying my head in my pillow. I let out a huge groan before sitting up. I felt weird, like something was going on in my stomach. I got up and went to the bathroom. I actually didn't feel good at all, I looked in the mirror and noticed I was a little paler than usual. Looks like I was spending the rest of the day in bed, not like that was anything new or different. I curled myself in a ball under the blankets before I began watching tv.


I knocked lightly on his door. "Niall, breakfast's ready!" I shouted through the door. I went over to Zayn's and opened it slightly poking my head through, only to see a lump under the sheets watching some cartoon. "Zayn breakfast is ready." I said quietly. I heard him groan quietly before rolling over. "I feel like shit." He grumbled. I sighed before walking over to him and putting my hand on his forehead. "Goddamn you're hot as shit." I mumbled. "I'll take that as a compliment." He said smirking before breaking into a coughing fit. "Okay maybe you should calm down." I said. "You were fine like a hour ago." I said. "I don't know what happened." He croaked. "It's a little early, but I could make you soup or tea." I suggested. "Tea please." He did. I left and went to put the kettle on. "Now you're making tea?" Niall asked.

"You want some?" I asked. "No thanks." Niall said shrugging his shoulders. "I'd like some please." A feminine voice said. "Oh, um alright." I said. "You must be Zayn's girlfriend, I'm Brittany." She said. "I'm Lindsey and I'm not his girlfriend, my sister is." I said handing her a mug of tea. "Oh I'm sorry." Brittany said. I smiled before taking the cup into Zayn's room. "Here." I said handing him a mug. "My head hurts so bad." He whined. "Lay your head in my lap." I said sitting cross legged. "Why?" He asked. "I'll make your head feel better." I said propping myself against the pillows so I could at least watch tv. He crawled over and laid his head in my lap. He whimpered as I began raking my fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp lightly. Soon enough I heard his soft snore, I glanced down at him and smiled. The boy I loved was finally laying in my arms.

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