Quick Update:
Hey my Lovely Demon's it's JayJay BleuRose but you can call me Jay and I just wanted to do a quick update for you guys! If you've read the "Let's Talk" page before this update then you know I promised that once Telling Alice was halfway through I would post the epilogue to Life Support (spoiler alert for Telling Alice fans) well Telling Alice is about halfway through. So I have decided I will do the most seasonally appropriate thing I can think to do I will release the epilogue on New Years (01-01-2017 at 00:00)
Spoiler: It's a bit more of a surprise than just the epilogue but I hope you guys will enjoy it and all of you guys who have been waiting for this epilogue you will definately be getting an epilogue
On December 26 2016 this book has officially 32.5K reads and 1.4k votes and 100 comments, WOW, what a ways Life Support had come. Thank you to all my Lovely Demons and I do mean all even if you don't vote or comments or follow me I still appreciate you guys so much you reading my book mean worlds to me. So I will see you Lovely Demon's laters!
Let's Talk
I wanna talk about some things that I didn't feel were clearly addressed in the book, (mainly purposely) but maybe some reader would still like to know. But anything else you guys wanna talk about that I didn't really answer fully or at all or anything like that definitely leave a comment even if its like 50 bazillion years from now if I'm still active on this account I will always respond to comments!
1} Why didn't Cyro immediately reciprocate Vance's love even though he says at first he wanted it.
A} Simply, I thought it was unrealistic, honestly, Cyro is a normal sheltered 22 yr old gay male and in reality I don't think he really knew what he was getting into like most people in their first relationships don't. I wanted my characters to stay true to who they were even as I allowed them and their relationship to grow, I thought it was more realistic and it seemed more like something he would do.
2} Why was Vance so bad with his daughter despite how much he loved her and Renee's obvious wish to give her back to him.
A} Vance is an extremely inexperienced father and his guilt holds him back a lot it takes him a lot of time to understand that he needs to put aside his own demons and help his daughter with her own and just be there more but realistically he is still struggling even at the end of this so of course he doesn't really make much noticeable change, but in the end he knows this which is why he wants Cyro to keep in contact with Maxine because he knows to some degree Cyro can make up for the parental aspects he lacks.
3} How in the world was Maxine even conceived??
A}Ahhhh....Okay, Well Renee had a son named Joshua who was Vance's lover in high school and she was Vance's science teacher, she had some resenting feelings towards homosexuality and basically convinced Vance that he was just confused about his sexuality because he'd never been with a woman unfortunately she got pregnant after that one time, she told all of her students and her son that it was with a secret boyfriend she didn't like to talk about but then about around the third trimester mark Joshua found out Vance was the father through some round about argument Renee was having with Vance's parents and then he ran off, they couldn't find him and about two weeks later his body was found in an motel in the next couple towns over. Vance had to ID the body because Renee was to emotionally wrecked and pregnant and when he saw it, it spun him into a depression state and he tried to kill himself about 8 times in the span of a week this as well as him being only 16 when this all happened is what lead to the court sating he was unsuitable to be a parent and could not have custody of his child. Oddly enough though Renee didn't want Maxine and was in a depressive state most of Maxine's life as well but she never tried to kill herself and she was the birth mother.
4} Why didn't Vance's parents adopt her? Or Renee's parents?
A} Renee's parents were completely disgusted by what she had done and didn't want to raise her child, Vance's parents were in the works of adopting her and actually had her for the first few years of her life but unfortunately passed away in a car accident the year he finished college and Maxine returned to Renee's care to avoid foster homes
5} Why did Gran rape Cyro? Did she even do it?
A} Yes, she had it orchestrated and even though she did not physically touch him it was her. Why? There was a lot of back story about Cyro's parents that I chose not to include because I wanted Cyro's mom to come off as a bible thumper when in reality she's just an overly concerned mother, who got pregnant by her boyfriend who then freaked out and split, unfortunately Bethany was actually quite scared of her mother growing up so she lied and said it was rape and she didn't know who the father was and because of this she was at first pretty mean to Cyro when he was young but it was all just an act to cover up her embarrassing mistake. So end of reasoning Gran has always really hated Cyro because of what she thinks he is, a rapist child, and in her mind she couldn't get back at the rapist so his child is the next best option, awful I know.
W.T.F. This relationship?! Did they or did they not break up?
Cyro and Vance are over...Now I knew more than anything when I wrote this book from the very beginning I knew they wouldn't make it, Vance was too far lost his own world and problems and Cyro was too young to understand his own. Also due Cyro sheltered life style he really wasn't prepared as well as some people his age might have been so a relationship like this were it could be good if both worked really hard for it but unfortunately Cyro just has the mind set of a person in their very first relationship and he's just wanting to explore his life and options. Yes they will continue to raise Maxine together and there's probably an unhealthy amount of "you're the only one I want" sex in store for them and not gong to lie after Cyro gets his "experiences" he'll probably be back with Vance again but you'll see some of Cyro's exploits in the books to come...
Anything else you guys wanna talk about definitely leave a comment even if its like 50 bazillion years from now if I'm still active on this account I will respond to comments!
Thanks So Much To ALL My Lovely Demons I Can't Wait To See You All Again!!
Special ShoutOut To:
manethan and phoebeliciou for your constant comments!
ItsSalmonNotPink, GuyDLR, spiffygrl and tgtgrace for adding my works to your reading list!
And pumpkinpie67, NickiOosthuizen, Serenia101, nakaiaj0606, lp1998, kfravel, Gia_Pride, fire_the_demonfox, DianeCorporan, Ender_Luv110 for your voting!
On October 24 2015 this book has officially 878 reads and 63 votes and 36 comments, thanks to all my lovely demons even if you don't vote or comments or even read...I still appreciate you guys so much and this means the world to me! See ya round!

Life Support {ManxBoy} | Original Write Up
Romance~x~ Vance Ashtor is basically at the end of his rope, despite being a C.E.O. of a well established financial management company at only 25, deep seeded issues are beginning to rear their ugly face in Vance's life once more to the point where if he s...