Chapter 5: Mates?*

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Picture of Lindsay, Lily and Logan ^

Dylan's POV (Morning of the day he meets Amy)

"DYLAN! WAKE UP!"My mom called from downstairs, I groan as I sit up my body still aching from patrol last night, Dad had made me run the whole perimeter of the border line.

I swing my legs to the side of my double bed and walk to my walk-in closet, there I find my outfit for the day which consisted of a dark blue fitted shirt, black skinny (but not to skinny) jeans, red boxers and a black pair of vans. I walk over to the bathroom to take a shower, after I change into my clothing for the day. I look at the time on my phone and realize I'm already late, I rush to style my hair but ended up getting fed up with it in the end and just made it look messy instead.

I run downstairs to find only my mother reading a book on the counch 'Dad must be doing alpha duties'I think to myself.

"Morning hunnie" My mothers sweet voice fills the air.

"Morning" I had managed to grumble. I walk over to the fridge and grab an apple, I don't have time to make an actual breakfast so I just settle on a snack.

"So you nervous for today?" I cock my eyebrow in confusion at my mothers question 'Why would I be nervous?'

"You're meeting that young Rogue today sweetheart, remember?" Then it dawned on me, I totally forgot.

"Oh yeah! Well I'll have to do it at the end of the day anyways, Ive got soccer practice with the boys during today because most of the us boys have to do patrol again tonight" The practices usually take place after school on a monday, tuesday and thursday, unless we have duties, then we have it during the day.

"Well I'm off, Bye love you" I called out to her, then left out the door to my car.


As I pulled up into the parking lot of the school I had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, it kept growing every step I took to the school. I pulled the from doors open to find the halls completely empty, I didn't know I was that late. I made my way to the changing rooms to change into my soccer strip. I notice an amazing smell lingering in the air just as I get to the changing rooms, it was a mixture of honey and strawberries and god it smelled amazing. I follow to where it was coming from to find it was a locker. I need to find who's scent this is, its intoxicating.

"Hey dude" Derricks voice snapped me out of my thoughts, he came up to give me a high five. That smell. It was on him.

"Why do you smell like that?" I said in a stern voice, he slowly raised his hand down and put over his heart in a offended way.

"RUDE! I showered this morning!" I simply rolled my eyes and was about to ask him the other scent but noticed we very late, I'll just ask him about it later.


That whole practice I couldn't stop thinking about the smell and why it was on Derrick. We were all done now and in the changing rooms dressing into our own clothes. We heard the end of the day bell go off signalling everyone to leave. I sighed annoyingly, 'now I have to go talk to that Rogue', its just gonna be a waste of time if you ask me.

I walk out of the changing room to go find her but just as I was about to begin my search I caught a whiff of that amazing smell again, it was stronger this time indicating me its not the by the locker. I run off into a sprint to follow it, for some reason I wanted to find where this scent is coming from, no scratch that, I NEEDED to know where its coming from. I could smell it getting stronger.

As I round one of the corners a bolt of electricity sparks my whole body and I freeze in place as I notice I knocked someone down.

"Ow" That angelic voice sent shivers down my spine. I look into her eyes and thats when it hit me, she's my mate, the Rogue is my mate. This girl in front of me is the most beautifulest person I have ever laid eyes on, she had golden blonde hair, her eyes are blue with golden flecks in them, her skin tanned to perfection making it look smooth, she had longish legs and a very good bust. I heard a cough, I snap my eyes to hers and notice I've been caught checking her out, I blush. She slowly stands up making her in level with my chin. At the bottom of my eye sight I see her feet slowly shifting backwards but just as she's about to take off I immediately pin her up against the walls using both my hands on either side of her hand to trap her in, not wanting her to escape.

I lean down to her neck.

"Mate" I growled huskily while rubbing my nose along her neck, she shivers against my body making me have an immediate reaction down there. So caught up in the moment I start to kiss her neck trying to find her weak spot, I needed to mark her so everyone will know this beautiful creature was mine. Out of no where she moans the sexiest moan making me get harder, found it, but thats when the smell hits me, I guess she's loving this as much as me. I lowly growled closing my eyes and opening them, they must be black as her reaction to them shows it all. I start to kiss her sweet spot with her leaning on my for support, I en-long my canines grazing them on her skin and just when Im about to mark her she pushes me back catching me off guard and tumble backwards onto the floor. She runs off.

I let out a loud growl, how dare she run from me? Im her mate! Mates are supposed to be together forever.

I get off up from the ground and run outside to notice she's gone 'she's fast' I let out another frustrated growl.

I make my way over to my car, I get in and drive off home. I need to ask my dad where those Rogues live. I need my mate.




This chapter is shorter than the others because it was what Dylan thought about Amy and all that kind of stuff, Its more of a filter chapter.

Anyways, see you guys in 2 dayS!!!!

Bye DUCKIES!!!!!!




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