Chapter 4: New Girl *

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Amy's outfit ^

Amy's POV:

I awoke with my alarm clock blaring through my ear drums, I sat up with a groan. 'Why does school have to be so damn early?' I thought to myself. Yup, you heard it, my new school starts today and as you can tell I'm jumping with excitement *Note the sarcasm*. I get my lazy ass out of bed and slide my feet across the hall to the bathroom, I strip off my pyjamas and fill the tub with warm water, I really need to get a membership for the community swimming pool so I can finally have a proper shower. After doing all necessary things, I hop out and wrap my warm fussy towel around my tanned body.

Walking back to my room I go to my drawers to pick out an outfit for the day, 'not to slutty but not to baggy'. I decided on a white knitted baggy off the shoulder sweater, Black leggings, Brown boots and a brown scarf to top it off. I curled my hair with my curling wand making loose curls, I went to my mirror above the dresser and applied my make-up which consisted of mascara and baby pink lipstick.

I ran downstairs to find my mom and dad watching a show on the small TV.

"Morning" They both said at the same time.

"Whats for breakfast" I asked eagerly, I never got any dinner last night so I'm pretty hungry.

"Theres some cereal in the cabinet" My mother said sweetly, I walked into the kitchen and followed her directions to where the cereal, I pulled out the Frosted Flakes and poured it in a bowl along with some milk. I walked into the living room to eat my breakfast and sat on the couch opposite of them.

"So what did the Alpha say?" I asked curiously.

"He said we can stay as long as we don't cause any trouble for the pack and don't put them in danger, he asked a lot of questions but was pleased with all of them" My dad spoke, I nodded in response and looked at my watch it read '7:45AM' I have 30 minutes to get to school. Shit.

"Im gonna be late if I don't go now. Bye love you!" I called out after them and ran to the door, putting my bowl in the sink on the way. I grab my black leather bag from the floor and run out into the forest, using werewolf speed I'm able to get there in half the time it is to walk so I should be on time, maybe a couple minutes early if I'm lucky.

Once I reach the school I mentally fist pump the air, I still have 2 minutes till the bell. I rush inside and was engulfed by the scent of werewolf's, a couple snapped there heads towards me and other just ignored me. I looked up to see a sign 'Office', I followed to where it was pointing and was greeted by a small office with an old lady typing at a computer, I cleared my throat to get her attention but was greeted with a glare, rude.

"Im new here and I need my schedule" I said while returning her glare.

"Name?" She asked coldly.

"Amy Steele" I saw her type something on her computer and then heard a printer go off, she got up from her desk and went to retrieve my schedule.

"Here" She shoved it into my hands.

"Can I also get a map of the school?" while rolling her eyes she picked up what seemed to be a map and handed it to me. 'People here aren't very nice' I thought. The bell suddenly rang for class to begin.

I checked my schedule to see I have English first period, considering I'm already late I took my time to get to my locker. After ages of looking I finally found it near the boys locker room, Great cause who doesn't love the smell of bio? I put the combination I was given into the lock and it opened. I shoved my bag in and only took out what I needed which was my books. I looked at my map to see where English is, I tried my best to follow the directions but miserably failed as I somehow kept ending up at the Art department.

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