Chapter 11

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Heres chapter 11! Finally right? it feels like ages since I've written. Anyways, I hope you like it!

So I decided to post a day earlier, just because I felt that you guys deserved it and plus I get bad!

Amy's POV

"Hey, honey, co-" She stopped her sentence short when she saw the predicament we were in. 

Well, shit.

"Om my god, my poor innocent eyes!!" She slaps her hands on her face, attempting to cover her sight. She runs out immediately screaming. And you'd think I was the virgin here. 

"Well that was awkward" A voice coming from below me said. I snap my head in his direction and gave him a guilty look. 

"Sorry, I didn't realize my parents would be home so soon" 

Drifting my eyes downwards to notice what position were in, I suddenly become embarrassed, my face flushing red. Just as I'm about to get off him, he grabs my thighs and holds me in place.

"And where do you think your going, darling?" Raising my eyebrow at the nickname, I respond

"To go grab my dignity back, it seems it left with my mother" We both chuckle at my horrible joke. Leaning over to the side of the bed, I grab my top I was originally planning to put on.

I then lay back on top of him. I would have went beside him but due to a certain tiny bed situation, Ive got to improvise. We both sit in a comfortable silence as I rest my head against his naked chest. My finger rubbing smooth circles into his pecks.

"Will you go on a date with me?" I lift my head up to face Dylan when he breaks the silence. A date? The last date I was on was years ago, and it was awful, but thats only probably because the guy who I was with wouldn't stop talking about crabs...Im being serious. Unfortunately, after 'accidentally' getting lost on the way to the bathroom and ending up at my house, I never saw Mr. crabs again. Sad story really, though, I heard he runs his own restaurant now! 

"Depends" He raises his eyebrow questioningly at me.

"Depends on what?"

"Ill go on a date with you, only if you buy me Oreos" His laugh echoed around my tiny room. He probably thinks I'm joking, when in reality, its been far too long since I've tasted heaven.

"Fine, Ill buy you the whole Oreos company if it means that you'll go on a date with me" and that ladies and gentlemen, is how to get in my pants. 

I wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze him tight.

"Cant..breathe" Realizing Im pretty much suffocating my mate, I let go and chuckle when he gasps for air.

"So I'm guessing thats a yes?" he questions. 

"Obviously!" I say in a DUH tone.

After about an hour of talking and making out, we finally make our way downstairs nervously, hoping my mom won't be there. As we got to the bottom of the stairs, Im engulfed by two thin arms, wrapping themselves around my shoulders, completely knocking the breathe out of me.

"Why didn't you tell us you found your mate?" My mother says after squealing. I look over her shoulder to see my dad standing there looking as happy as ever.

"Sorry, I only found out on my first day of school" I say with a guilty tone. I look over to see Dylan looking at us with an amused grin. 

"My baby's growing up!" 

"Moommm, Im not a baby!" Dylan lets out a chuckle behind me. He's enjoying this way to much. My mom finally lets me go, allowing me to fill my lungs with air. Then two strong arms wrap out around my waist, sparks flying wherever skin contact was made.

"I promise to take care of your daughter and treat her like a princess, Mr and Mrs Steele" I snuggle deeper into his chest, my heart warming at his comment.

"Im sure you will Dylan and please, call me Lucy" 

"and call me Henry" My father then holds his hand out for Dylan to shake and he takes it without hesitation.

"Welcome to the family" My mother gleefully says as she engulfs both of us into a bear hug. 

Looking at my watch I notice its almost 10PM, well shit, I didn't realize the time.

"Well, Dylan should probably go, we have school tomorrow" I hint.

"Ah of course, well it was nice meeting you properly Dylan and I'm so happy for you two" My mother gushes. I roll my eyes at her enthusiasm. I love her but sometimes she can be a bit extra. 

"You too!" The fact that my parents already like him is surprising, whenever I brought boyfriends home to meet them, they always disapproved.

Grabbing Dylan's hand, I bring him toward the front door. 

Turning around, I give him a quick peck on the lips, but him being Dylan, had other plans. He smashes his lips to mine in a heated make out session. Licking my bottom lip, he asks for entrance as to which I deny, trying to tease him a bit. Groaning in frustration, he slams me against the door making me gasp, he takes this chance to stick his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues fighting for dominance, in the end he won but I don't care, all I could think about was his hands making there way under my shirt. As soon as his fingers made contact with my bare skin, sparks erupted and I moan in pleasure. But before anything gets to far that my parents have to send me to bible camp, I push at his chest letting some space get between us. We both pant, lips swollen from our heated make out session.

"Ill see you tomorrow, Dylan" I say playfully. He groans in sexual frustration and smashes his lips to mine one more time, but all too soon he pulls away with a smirk.

"Bye, love" and with that he leaves. Why, that little! Well, great, now I'm all hot and bothered.

 I make my way upstairs to the bathroom and go for a bath.

While waiting for the tub to fill up my mind wanders to Dylan.

What am I going to do? Im not going to reject him but I just can't stay with him, especially when he's an Alpha! Ill be tied down with him and this pack, and I just can't fit that into my dream. 

Noticing the tubs now full, I strip out of my clothes and step in. Sighing in bliss, I let my muscles relax, making my mind go blank of all thoughts before.


Anddddd we're back!!! 

Chapter 11 is finally here. It feels like ages since I've written so its good to be back. Glad to see some people still read this so Im thankful for that!

This was a filler chapter but don't worry, next chapter Alejandro will make another appearance.

Please give me some feedback, it will really help with my writing!

Byeee duckies!!!




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