Chapter 9

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Random guy up top is Alejandro ^^

@zaddie_here here's chapter 9 for you!!!

By the way, chapters will be shorter but more frequent from now on, for example in the past I used to say one chapter a week but now it'll be 2.
Shit, shit, shit. Dylan's the captain. My MATE is the fucking captain!!

It took me a couple moments to process this news.

But wait, that means....

He's the alphas son. He's the next Alpha.

And I'm his mate... then that makes me the fucking.. Luna.

No, no, no.

I stare wide eyed at him.

"Are you serious?" Adding a hint of disbelief in my tone. He smirks at my reaction.

"Of course, sweetheart"

I know what you're thinking, I should be happy and be grateful that my mates the alpha. Trust me when I say I'm the complete opposite. How could he not have told me? Was he embarrassed of me? because I'm a rogue, I mean who wants a mate for a rogue?

I sit up so I'm at eye level with him. "Why the fuck wouldn't you tell me?" if you saw my face right now you'd probably run for the hills, thats how pissed I look/am.

"Because I didn't want to add stress on you. If I told you, you probably would've rejected me on the spot." A tinge of hurt is left on his face. Why would he think that?

"You think I would've rejected you? Why?"

"Cause you have your whole future planned out, you wouldn't have wanted this to hold you down." At this point he doesn't even look at me, he's looking at the pitch where the boys are messing around.

I reach my hand out to touch his cheek causing him to look at me.

"Listen, Dylan, even though my dream is to be a professional football player, it doesn't mean I'm going to reject my mate. I just have think about what this means for me. I'll call you later, in need to think about this." And with that I left.

Running through the woods always cleared my mind, and right now I needed it. God, this has just screwed up my dream completely, at least if he wasn't alpha he could've at least traveled with me but unfortunately he is.
I walk to a small clearing that consisted of a small moss-covered log, I walked over to it and sat down, putting my head in my hands.
How could no one have told me? I probably looked like an idiot in front of them all.
I thought about this whole situation but one question kept repeating in my mind. Why me?


I snap my head in the direction of the noise. It sounded like a bush.
I stand up slowly, eyeing up the plant.

"Who's there?" I ask to no one in specific. God, I really hope this is one of those moments where it's really just a cute little bunny.

"Hello, my dear" Nope. I was wrong. A middle-aged guy with blonde hair swept across his perfectly sculpted face,  vibrant blue eyes and a muscular body (clearly has an 8 pack) with a height of atleast 6 feet. If it wasn't for the fact that he was completely creeping me out, I'd actually think he was quite hot.

"Who are you?" I demanded. I smelt the air to see what he was but nothing came up, not even a human smell. It's as if no one was even there.

"My darling, it hurts you don't remember me. Probably due to those filthy witches." He looks down with anger when he says this "my name is Alejandro".
As he took a frightening step forward, I stayed in place. I may look weak but I sure can put up a fight.

"What are you talking about? I've never met you" At this point he's right in front of me, he reaches up to my face looking as if he's going to cup my cheek. Before he can, I snap my hand to his holding it in place with much strength. But something strange happens, I feel sparks. I gasp as I quickly let go of his hand. He chuckles darkly.

"What was that?" I stare at him wide-eyed.

"You may not remember me but I certainly remember you, my love"
"Unfortunately it's my time to go, but I'll definitely see you again" and with that the mysterious yet creepy man vanishes, well that scores human off the list.

So many questions were racing through my mind.

What the fuck just happened? How did I feel tingles? Who was he?


God it's been long since I've uploaded. Sorry about that! I'm not gonna make up some excuse as to why I haven't uploaded like some other authors. Just know that I'm back! And I'm ready to start writing again!

Chapter 10 is already written so that will be out this week. Just need to edit it.

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