Flat-Belly Workout

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》Boat Pose
》 Swaying Warrior 2
》Scale Pose

Kneel on a mat on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders. Stretch your legs back one at a time to come into plank position (the "up" part of a push-up); engage your ab muscles. Your body should be long and straight; don't let your hips sag or lift your butt too high. Imagine there's a seat belt tightening around your waist, drawing your lower-ab muscles inward.

Press your hands firmly into the mat, and press strongly back through your heels. Hold for 1-2 minutes (or as long as you can), then drop back to all fours. Do 3 reps.

From plank position, press your right hand into a mat and turn your body so your weight is on the outer edge of your right foot; stack your left foot on top. Imagine you have a big beach ball under your right side; press your torso up and away from the ball, extending your left arm with fingers pointed toward the sky. Tighten your lower-ab muscles and brace your entire core. Hold for 60 seconds, then return to plank position and repeat on the left side; that's 1 rep. Do 3 reps.

Boat Pose
Sit with your knees bent, feet flat on a mat, and hands on the ground. Lean your upper body back and lift your legs so your body forms a V. Stretch your arms forward, palms facing in. Tighten your lower-ab muscles while keeping your shoulders relaxed, back straight, and chest lifted. Lengthen your legs and engage your inner thighs. Hold for 5 slow, deep breaths, then lower your legs. Do 3 reps.

Swaying Warrior 2
Stand in a wide straddle on a mat. Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and your left foot in 45 degrees. Bend your right knee (keep it over your ankle) so your thigh is parallel to the mat. Press firmly into your outer left foot and inner right foot, and use your inner thighs and lower abs to hold the pose. Stretch your arms out to the sides, then slide your left arm down the back of your left leg and reach your right arm overhead.

Lift up and all the way over until your right elbow comes down to your knee; stretch your left arm over your ear. Repeat 2 more times. On the last one, stay in the final position for 3-5 breaths before coming up and repeating on the other side.

Scale Pose
Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position with hands on a mat next to your hips. Tighten your pelvic floor (as if you have to pee and are holding it in), push into your hands, and lift your entire lower body off the mat.

Hold for 3 breaths, then lower back down. This is a pretty challenging move, so if you can't lift your whole lower half, keep your feet on the floor and just lift your butt. Do 3 reps.

Credit to Health.com

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