Chapter 14: A Village Under Siege

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Whether or not what the man had said was true, Redcliffe had certainly been attacked by something. The homes once quaint were now battered and damaged, their windows and doors all boarded up. Makeshift wooden barricades covered all roads through the village, blocking off access to the town centre. At the lake's shore, men were deconstructing their fishing boats to use the wood, while men and women of capable ages trained in combat under the hot sun.

The villagers all gawked at Dru and her companions as they passed by. Some held hopeful expressions, while others glowered, as if blaming them for their predicament. A man with short brown hair and gleaming silver armour stood on a stack of crates, watching over a group of trainees. With an air of nobility about him, Dru knew this man had to be Bann Teagan.

Their guide called to him, and the man's eyes lit up once he noticed them. He quickly headed over, his hand on the pommel of a curved iron sword at his waist.

"Tomas, you're back already," Teagan said in way of greeting. "Who are these people with you?"

"They're Grey Wardens," Tomas said.

"We're Grey Wardens," Dru said louder. Everyone looked at her. 

Teagan inclined his head. "I knew the Grey Wardens were still out there somewhere, despite what Loghain had said," he said.

"Teagan, it's been a while," Alistair said, his voice soft. "Though I suppose you might not remember me. The last time we met I was a lot younger and covered in mud."

"Covered in mud?" Teagan's initial confusion was replaced with joy. "Alistair? It is you, isn't it? You're alive! We thought you had perished at Ostagar. This is wonderful news!" He stepped forward, patting Alistair's shoulders pleasantly in an awkward almost-hug.

"Still alive, yes, though not for long if Teryn Loghain has anything to say about it," Alistair said grumpily.

"We're here to see Arl Eamon," Dru explained. "We need his help to defeat the Blight."

His expression grew dark. "Unfortunately, that is not possible. My brother has fallen gravely ill and no one has heard from the castle for days. No guards patrol its walls and no one responded to my shouts. And then a few nights ago, evil... things... began surging from the castle. We managed to drive them back but many perished in the assault."

"Evil things? Do you mean the darkspawn?" Leliana asked.

Teagan shook his head. "Dead men on feet. Decomposing corpses that have come back to life to feast on the living. Some call them the walking dead. We sent for help, but with my nephew dead and Loghain starting a war over the throne, we're all alone."

"Every night the creatures have been coming from the castle," Tomas chimed in. "And every time they're stronger, smarter, with greater numbers. This is the fourth night, and we're afraid that we might not make it. That's why I left for help. Our people are not trained, we needed anyone, even bandits would do."

"Well, we're trained fighters, the lot of us," Alistair said. "If your people stand strong, there might be a chance for us to fight through the horde and enter the castle. We need to save Arl Eamon."

It was an unfortunate turn of events, but Dru knew that Alistair was right. If Loghain began a civil war then there would be no hope for the Ferelden armies to stop the darkspawn. They needed Arl Eamon to fight for his claim to the throne, and convince the other Arls and Banns to lend their men to the Grey Wardens. She just hoped that he was still alive. They didn't have much time.

"Thank you," Teagan gushed. "Thank you so much. We have a few hours to prepare before nightfall, but if there is anything I can do for you please let me know."

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