Chapter 35: A Killer's Remorse

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"There is much to be done, that is true. Loghain has instigated a civil war even though the darkspawn are at our very doorstep. Long I have known him and always believed him to be a sensible man who never desired power, but I can see no logic in his actions now. All in Ferelden know of how Loghain fought alongside King Maric to save the country from the grips of Orlais. Many of the noblemen will have no doubt gathered by Loghain's side, convinced that he will save them from the darkspawn threat as well. And he will spin a convincing tale that it is the Grey Wardens who are to blame for the downfall."

With a grunt, Eamon leaned back against the table and stretched out his legs, massaging at his knees. Long months of inactivity was undoubtedly weary on his old bones. He had seated himself on the long dining table that ran parallel to theirs, the glow from the fireplace casting shadows along the lines of his face. Isolde sat on the bench beside him, her hands clasped tightly in her lap as she listened, while Teagan stood by the doorway with his knight captain, Ser Perth.

"Loghain sent his mage to poison me, knowing that I would see through his betrayal," Eamon said, his lips twisting as he recalled the events. "It is true that I have a large influence among the nobles. Perhaps enough to sway some to doubt his actions, but not all. He has some very powerful allies."

"Indeed," added Teagan, "There is no way of knowing that he will do once he learns of your recovery. I was in Denerim when he announced that he was taking control of the throne. He is mad with ambition, I tell you."

"Then we need to ensure that we remove him from his seat of power as quickly as possible," Dru said.

Eamon shook his head. "We have no time to wage a campaign against him. Someone must surrender if we are to have any chance of fighting the darkspawn."

"But once everyone learns of what he's done..." Alistair began.

"I will spread word of Loghain's treachery, both here and against the king, but it will be but a claim made without proof. Those claims will be enough to give his allies pause but we must combine it with a challenge he cannot ignore." He raised his head. "We need someone with a stronger claim to the throne than Loghain's daughter, the queen."

"Are you referring to Alistair, brother?" Teagan's eyes widened as he came forward. "Are you certain?"

"I would not propose such a thing if we had an alternative, but the unthinkable has occurred."

Alistair had become very quiet. His gaze was focused on Eamon but his expression unreadable.

"You intend to put Alistair forward as king?" Leliana asked. She was sitting opposite Alistair, straddling the bench with a leg on either side.

"Teagan and I have a claim through marriage but we would seem opportunists, no better than Loghain. Alistair's claim is by blood."

"And what about me?" Alistair burst out. "Does nobody care what I want?"

"You have a responsibility, Alistair," Eamon said gently.

"Oh, right, of course. At first, it was, 'You cannot tell anyone about this at all,' and now I'm expected to step up and... and make a claim for the throne?" He let out a weak laugh and shook his head from side to side. "You can't be serious."

"Without you, Loghain wins. I would have to support him for the sake of Ferelden—is that what you want?"

"I—I, no I—But I—" Alistair broke off with a resigned sigh, his shoulders sinking. "No, my lord," he mumbled.

"I can see only one way to proceed. I will call for a Landsmeet, a gathering of all of Ferelden's nobility at the city of Denerim. There Ferelden can decide who shall rule, one way or another. Then the business of fighting our true foe can begin."

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