Chapter 23: A New Path

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The villagers of Redcliffe appeared to be returning to their normal lives. They gathered at the town square by midday's sun, sharing together the fish caught earlier that morning. The Chantry Sisters sang out passages from the Chant of Light, as all gave thanks to the Maker and the soldiers for all that they had survived.

Dru observed in their festivities from atop of the castle watchtower. She sat on the ledge, her legs swinging above the churning water below. In the courtyard behind her, soldiers and the Circle mages had gathered for a debriefing by Teagan. It was agreed that the mages would remain in Redcliffe Castle until the Grey Wardens returned. After everything that had occurred, it was the safest place for them to remain, secure behind the castle walls and away from Loghain's control.

Wynne was speaking animatedly with Irving and Jowan. Her hands flourished through the air. Dru knew she must be telling them of her plans. Last night, Wynne pulled Dru and Alistair aside to inform them that she was joining their party. No one protested to the idea. She was an extremely gifted healer, and besides, Dru had become somewhat fond of the spry old woman.

"Ah, I see what you are watching," Zevran said as he scaled the ladder to join her. He gestured to where Alistair and Leliana stood at the edge of the courtyard.

Dru glanced at them, uninterested. "What are you talking about?"

Zevran gave her a knowing look. "You are jealous of the attention your fellow Grey Warden receives from the beautiful archer, hmm?"

"What?" She exclaimed. "No!"

"See you deny it, and yet that blush that is so quickly creeping across your face says otherwise."

"I'm not blushing—I don't blush," Dru snapped. "And I'm not interested in Alistair. At all! Why would I be? He's a human. And even worse, he had to carve 'left' and 'right' into the bottom of his boots because he kept putting them on wrong."

Zevran chuckled. "You're so defensive, my dear. Fear not, I was only teasing you. But it is good to know that you dislike humans." He rested his arm on Dru's shoulder. "After all, you and I are the only non-humans around, no?"

Dru glared at him, her lip twisted in displeasure. "Remove your arm before I break it and shove you off this tower."

"I love it when you talk like that," he cooed, though he did remove his arm.

Silence passed between them while Zevran beamed and Dru scowled. Now that he pointed it out, it was almost impossible not to look at Alistair and Leliana. They were being awfully loud, laughing and teasing each other as they strolled around the courtyard. Connor ran up to them and Leliana scooped him up in a sweeping embrace. The child remembered nothing of his experience with the demon. For the best, they all said.

She turned her attention away, back to the elf who was grinning innocuously at her. Draped around his shoulders was a blue silk robe decorated with pink hand-stitched flowers. She was pretty sure it hadn't been offered to him and was most likely stolen from within one of the castle dressers.

"When the demon made that offer, were you tempted?" she asked him.

Zevran blinked, as if surprised by the seriousness of the question. He took a moment before answering. "Yes, I admit I was. I'm not too strong-willed a man, my dear. And the Crows are indeed all I've ever known. If you were offered such a chance, do you not think you would take it? You were almost in the grasp of the demon yourself."

Dru wrapped her arms around herself. It was suddenly so cold up there, with the wind pushing against them.

"I know," she said. "I really wanted it. I've always wanted it. Perhaps I'm not too strong-willed, myself."

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