Chapter 27: City Of Dirt

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As their cart passed beneath the great stone walls of Denerim, Dru observed that the city had hardly changed since her departure. The streets were still packed to the brim with people, each moving in and out of the city on their own quest to make money, spend money, or steal money. 

A few of the homeless stretched their arms into the cart and Bodhan was quick to ward them away. The outer district followed the circumference of the wall, and it was here where the poor convened. Their houses were cheap and wooden, built practically on top of each other as they climbed the dirt hills that filled Denerim. Everyone avoided coming to the outer district unless they had an urgent need to leave Denerim. Still, it was much preferable to slums of the Alienage.

"Look, son, you can see the palace from here!" Bodhan exclaimed.

The Royal Palace could easily be sighted from anywhere in Denerim. Its massive towers stretched high into the sky, as if reaching for the sun. Dru looked past it, toward the Arl of Denerim's Estate that often sat within the Palace's shadow. She searched the Estate's towers, and then quickly lowered her eyes before they could settle on the balcony.

The crowd became denser as Bodhan directed the ox toward the marketplace. Their cart rolled through the broken cobblestone roads, the passengers within jolted around with the many potholes.

Beneath the cloth shades, dwarves and humans gathered with tables laden with their wares, shouting out their prices amongst the hubbub. Around the outskirts, women in silk gowns stuck closely to their armed guards, moving in and out of the shops and depositing dresses and jewellery wrapped in thin paper into the hands of their elven servants. It was as if no one here knew of the darkspawn army that had ravaged the south.

They came to a stop at the further end of the markets, behind the city Chantry. Gripping the side of the cart, Dru leapt off in a flourish, her boots immediately sinking into the mud. Once they had helped the dwarves unload their wares, they waved them goodbye and pushed into the throng of shoppers.

As they walked, Alistair nudged Dru with his elbow and jerked his chin. Posters had been put up along the shop windows and light poles. A picture of a griffin with a large red 'X' had been drawn onto the poster. Beneath it, in bold letters, it said, "WANTED: All Grey Wardens and Associates by order of Regent Loghain Mac Tir. Any information regarding will be rewarded."

"A reward, too? Every poor fellow in the city will be coming forward with false claims. He must really be desperate," Alistair whispered.

Hunching her shoulders, Dru pulled the hood of her cloak over her head.

After a few more minutes spent on getting lost, they finally came to the Gnawed Noble Inn. A bell rung out as they entered, and the rich smell of alcohol and sweat hit them like a wall. The ground floor served as a tavern and offered small rooms at the back that rented by the hour; perfect for shady men to conduct their illegal dealings. The tables at the front were filled with human men, relishing in ale and heartedly discussing a battle that they had just won against a local Bann who had been found guilty of treason.

At the end of the tavern, Leliana and Morrigan stood by the bar. Leliana blended in easily with the local women. She was wearing one of the popular pale-pink gowns that wrapped into a bow at the back of her neck. Morrigan, on the other hand, was still donning the same ragged dark clothing she always wore.

When they spotted the group, Leliana waved heartedly and skipped over to them. She wrapped Dru into a tight hug before she could protest, and then quickly did the same for Wynne and Alistair.

"Did everything..." Morrigan trailed off, waving one hand.

"It's done," Dru confirmed.

Leliana pulled away from Alistair, her nose wrinkled.

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