Chapter 22: Desire

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The templars gathered at the base of the tower, heads lowered in silence as Gregoir read out the missive from Denerim. As expected, the Grand Cleric had granted them the right of annulment. The mages in the tower were to be slaughtered before the sun rose.

A few of them murmured their contempt toward the mages, others their sorrow at what had come to pass. No one expected to see the grand steel doors, securely barricaded by metal rods and broken furniture, to come bursting inwards. 

Dru emerged, trailed closely by her bloodied companions and the few remaining mages that had survived the onslaught. They were all injured from their battle against the abominations, leaning against one another for support as they shuffled into the grand hall.

"Stop there!"

The other templars were stunned by their sudden appearance, but Gregoir unsheathed his sword and stepped into Dru's path, brandishing the weapon toward her. His eyes studied her own, and she knew he was searching for a sign of possession.

She observed the sword before flicking the tip away from her face. Joined by the others, she pushed past Gregoir and the templars, and Irving took her place.

"As you can see, I am very much alive and so are the others." Irving's voice was coarse and broken, his face stained with blood that dribbled from a gash above his eyebrow. "And now, if you don't mind, the Circle of Magi would like to honour this young Grey Warden and her treaty."

The front doors were propped open and the others were already making their way down to the ferries docked at the shore. Dru leaned against the door frame as she waited, one hand at her side, nursing her injuries. Each of them, even the children, were decorated in blood and bruises.

"It's over?" Gregoir asked in awe. "Uldred, the blood mages, the demons, they've all been slain?"

"Indeed," Dru replied curtly. "And now I'll be leaving with the mages, as promised." 

She turned her attention to the templars, who waited, ready to pounce at the word of their Knight-Commander.

"If any of you would like to join us, then now is your chance," she called. "The Blight is very real and the Archdemon is coming, whether we are ready for it or not. You've seen what we've accomplished here with very few, now imagine what we can do with an army. You can either stand with us now, or you can remain here and guard whatever is left of your order. But we will not be waiting."


They made camp just outside of Lake Calenhad, in a clearing in the woods. Dru sat at the edge of the clearing, nestled between two big roots from the tree behind her. It was a cloudless night, quite fortunate as they had no tents to sleep beneath.

She watched the others while she cleaned her daggers. They were gathered around a giant campfire that the mages had constructed and munched on food taken from the templar's storage containers.

Zevran had cracked open a bottle of Tevinter wine and was trying to encourage the children to share it with him. One of the boys managed to get a few sips in before Irving scolded him. Zevran's jestful antics seemed to be doing good at lifting their spirits. Maker knew they needed it after the horrors that they had endured.

Joined by two other mages, Wynne was busying herself with tending to the injured. It was impressive, watching her heal such deep wounds. Wynne had always seemed agile for her old age, but Dru couldn't help but notice that more so now. Especially after seeing her cut down in such a violent way.

Dru winced and reached for her side. She suspected that a few of her ribs had broken during the battle. It only hurt when she leaned a certain way, so she tried her best to ignore the pain. It was better for the healers to spend their energy on their fellow mages. They were going to need all their strength for the ritual at Redcliffe.

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